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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/19 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    As with all other avid readers of Dirt On Dirt - The Internet's #1 Resource For Dirt Car Racing News - I was very upset to learn about the passing of GRT Racing CEO Joe Garrison.
  2. 2 points
    Imagining the fate of a councilor who tried putting a £97 charge on a wheelie bin in Govan... Caused a bit of confusion for the press here in 2017 when in May, Glasgow voted to oust the council (Labour) after 35 years, then in June, produced significant swing from SNP to Labour in the general election. Whereas it was very simple: while many Glaswegians appeared won over by Corbyn to vote for him, they really fucking hated the council! Also, inside 2 years: building 2 new Clyde bridges, just announced a transport plan to reconnect the poorer suburbs to the city centre, reopening nurseries, lobbied for lottery funding to help conserve some of the old crumbling Victorian buildings etc etc ie all the stuff the last council said couldn't possibly be done. So yeah, boot out the dinosaurs, I say.
  3. 2 points
    500 Years ago today Leonardo Da Vinci who first designed a helicopter, a parachute, a tank and painted probably the most famous painting in the world along with many other things died at the age of 67.
  4. 2 points
    Watch out South African actor Keenan Arrison, bodybuilding contest MC Kim "Kong" Farrison and true crime novelist James Marrison.
  5. 2 points
    Garrison follows Tebbit Sr and gets on his bike oot of here. Joker points for Spade. Spade Cooley deadpool teams, they're not competitive guesses, they're "to do" lists for the Reaper... 1. The Quim Reaper vs Boudicca 0-0 2. Spade Cooley vs Death Impends 8-0 3. Reptile vs Banana 0-0 4. Clorox v Chorizo 4-0
  6. 2 points
    A feat all the more remarkable when you consider the furthest travelled of them still came from less than 30 miles from Glasgow.
  7. 2 points
    Yes, it's a singular thread. The Lisbon Lions were the first team in the uk to win the European Cup.
  8. 1 point
    In other news, Red Wings and Leafs legend Red Kelly has died aged 91. Statement from the family confirming: https://www.nhl.com/redwings/news/statement-from-the-kelly-family/c-307168446
  9. 1 point
    I'm quite proud of my record of once staying awake for just a few hours short of a week. (Was at a techno festival and wanted to get my money's worth)
  10. 1 point
    I'm not so sure. There's no Lib Dem candidate and the Conservative lady has not impressed with her canvassing. It's a rural ward of a few villages, and the Green lady is well known and continually active in promoting environmental issues. I think she has caught the zeitgeist.
  11. 1 point
    MMMDP Form Guide #19 Herman Wouk Famous author who's love of a decent ending hasn't been obvious in his personal life. 103, mind - debateable how many pages he's got left in him.
  12. 1 point
    Just carried on a continuous FB Messenger conversation from 8:48am CST 01 May 2019 to 5:23am CST 02 May 2019. That's 20 hours and 35 minutes long. Only two people who suck at sleeping could pull that off! SC / Notorious B.O.U. [Edit: “Haha at DL Unofficial World Records. It was pretty impressive. Could put messenger / Facebook call as there were at least three in that time” - Bou]
  13. 1 point
    Looks like the Tory candidate will be this lad: https://twitter.com/paulbristow79 Whereas the Labour candidate will be: https://twitter.com/LisaForbes_ This might be Farage's chance if he stands as the Brexit UK candidate. But then we've said that 100 times before. Galloway standing throws another wrench into the works as well.
  14. 1 point
    I expect a good turnout in my area as the current Conservative council has made some very unpopular decisions, eg charging us for collecting green waste. Another thing they've done is introduce permits to use the tip/recycling centre. As the tip is right on the edge of the council boundary, it means that residents who live only a mile or two from the tip, but in the neighbouring council area, are now not allowed to use it. I'm in the opposite position - I'm nearer the tip run by another council, so I go there - they don't require permits. People should be encouraged to use the tip closest to them - it will all even out. No Lib Dem candidate in my ward, and we have a very active Green candidate so I'll be voting for her. Down with the recycling tax!
  15. 1 point
    Should we we maybe rename him, since he isn't Emperor anymore?
  16. 1 point
    Congratulations to Clorox on your victory. Sorry I couldn't give you a better fight. Good luck in the coming rounds.
  17. 1 point
    That sickness leave Are they - perchance - REALLY ill and also obitable? Just askin' ahead of the MMMDP.
  18. 1 point
    Okay, let's see if that works: Looks like DDP pick Dave Agosti died around early April: <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fthenutones1%2Fposts%2F10155799430476330&width=500" width="500" height="594" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe> Ehh, well it doesn't, I'm too stupid - anyway, check the NU-tones facebook page. Edit: This is the obituary from the local newspaper: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/toledoblade/obituary.aspx?n=david-agosti&pid=192119440&fhid=27574
  19. 1 point
    Just as an FYI: I'm not avoiding the points here, I'm just covering sickness leave at work and also have backpain myself so I'm not that coherent right now. Will expand and inform on some points mentioned upthread over the weekend.
  20. 1 point
    So it’s local Election Day in England and Northern Ireland. I think it’s going to be the following A- a desperately low turnout B- a shambles for all the major parties Its also the first election as a local government employee in 15 years that I’m not working on it in some form or other. I could have done the count tonight but even I’m sick of it all. It’s just not worth the hassle.
  21. 1 point
    Former Cleveland and Columbus news anchor Doug Adair died Monday in Pleasanton, Calif., of complications from Alzheimer’s disease. Adair was 89. SC
  22. 1 point
    Gene Elder, a unique artist and activist in the San Antonio art and LGBTQ communities, died on Sunday after a bout with cancer. He was 69. in 1988, Elder created and became director of the Happy Foundation Archives, which documented and preserved local LGBTQ history. Elder also founded his own gallery, MUD; ran for mayor on the “Party Party” ticket in 1979; was crowned King Anchovy of the Cornyation in 1984; and kept extensive journals. In 2014, Elder donated his journals to UTSA’s Special Collection. SC
  23. 1 point
    I also don't use Twitter. It was my lucky day. A bunch of people with blue ticks commented on this tweet: Take note; "tough time" = dead within a week, clearly!
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    @Wormfarmer I think @The Unknown Man has 6 points for Death of Ken Kercheval. 1+2+3 solo. (Are you going to run this again? Need to redeem myself .)
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