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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/10/19 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Maybe wait until he has lasted 9 years and 11 months.
  2. 3 points
    4TH UPDATE May hits Tim Conway Sprent Dabwido Tommy Donbavand Bob Hawke Roz Petterson Im Pei Jean Vanier Herman Wouk June Hits Ellen "Dolly" Gibb Franco Zefirelli Mark Waraka Helen Legh Beth Chapman Maria Giuseppi Robucci July Hits Christopher Booker Johnny Clegg Sutopo Purow Nugroho Joe Kadange John McCirrick August Hits Harley Race Alf Smith Kathleen Blanco Fred Rister Sheila Steafal Valerie Harper Septembers Hits Beloved Poster Mugabe Chris Duncan Fernando Ricksen Jose Jose Leah Bracknell?(100% certain of her passing within the calender of this game, but the exact day and month tbd though it appears most likely her passing was at some point in the previous month) In this update Sheila Steafal-Bibliogryphon Valerie Harper-TheUnknownMan,YoungWilz Robert Mugabe-Bou1,theoldlady,TorvaMessor Jose Jose-theoldlady Chris Duncan-GrimUpNorth,JoeyRuss,Msc,TorvaMessor,WormFarmer Fernando Ricksen -Banana, Book, CaptainChorizo, CloroxBleachman, DeathImpends, drol, FixedBusiness, GrimUpNorth, JiroemonKimura,markb4,RadGuy,theoldlady,TheQuimReaper,TheUnknownMan,TorvaMessor,WormFarmer,YoungWilz Jacques Chirac-GooseberryCrumble Leah Bracknell - Banana, CaptainChorizo, CloroxBleachman, DeathImpends, FixedBusiness, GrimUpNorth, JiroemonKimura, JoeyRuss,markb4,RadGuy,TheOldCrem,TheQuimReaper,TheUnknownMan,TorvaMessor,WormFarmer,YoungWilz Didn't include Julie Gibson in this update as only Obit I have seen from a Major Publication so far is The HollywoodReporter. Those who remained patient with perenial Deadpool favorite Bracknell were rewarded,including our new Leader Torva who netted 4 hits in this update. One of the largest point Bonanza updates so movement occured in all parts of the Scoreboard. Anyway if I missed any names or made point errors in this update let me know. 4th Scoreboard 1st place TorvaMessor-2360 2nd place TheOldLady-2200 3rd place GunUpNorth-2050 4th place DeathImpends-2040 5th place Wormfarmer-1980 6th place TheQuimReaper-1890 7th place CloroxBleachman-1876 8th place CaptainChorizo-1835 9th place Book-1780 10th place Banana-1745 11th place FixedBusiness-1655 12th place JoeyRuss-1556 13th place RadGuy-1536 14th place YoungWilz-1455 15th place TheOldCrem-1350 16th place Msc-1320 17th TheUnknownMan--1275 18th place Gcreptile-1255 19th place Drol-1155 20th place Jiroemon Kimura-1,111 21st place Markb4-845 22nd place Bibliogryphon-830 23rd place ebless-770 24th place GreatUncleBulgaria-750 25th place Bou1-660 26th GooseberryCrumble-470
  3. 2 points
    I honestly didn't remember i started this thread.
  4. 2 points
    Fairly focussed and under control - doesn't mention her bi-polar which might be a bit of a barrier dating wise too. I mean, you'd arrange it but you couldn't tell which one would show up!
  5. 1 point
    Got to bring the legislation forward.
  6. 1 point
    Summary: Bog off Bawjaws and Rees-Mogg.
  7. 1 point
    Speaker's statement due any minute now.
  8. 1 point
    Even though I technically work in the fashion industry. How the hell does a single outfit cost in excess of £60K?
  9. 1 point
    Think getting rid of the monarchy might be one of the few things we agree on....
  10. 1 point
    I remember him best from Southampton's mid-90s back four.
  11. 1 point
    Only costs us £1.24 per person apparently. How many people is that to pay for just 5 of Meghans outfits below? Yea I know people will say about Kate. Meghan has spend 635k on clothes to kate's 85k. Still disgusting but easier amount to swallow. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/meghan-markle-2018-wardrobe-cost.html/ Imagine living in a world were 100s of thousands of poor people all group together to pay for an already rich persons outfits? Well no need to imagine anymore.
  12. 1 point
    I heard they just removed it. He wasn't using it anyway.
  13. 1 point
    That ain't how bipolar works (or schizophrenia which the joke is more commonly used) - stop perpetuating unhealthy stereotypes.
  14. 1 point
    He needs to divorce this cunt asap. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-50119219
  15. 1 point
    One thing I didn't know till watching the recent documentary is that, even right up to when he was dying of cancer, Bobby Robson used to check up regularly on Gazza to see if there was anything he could do to help Paul, and would phone him regularly when on the wagon to encourage him.
  16. 1 point
    Sorry, my bad - you know where I was going with that. Bit ironic he out-lived her. She even wrote about his heroin use and the strain it put on their relationship
  17. 1 point
    Stumbled on this, regarding John Andretti. Kinda suggestive, but no corroboration evident that I could find.
  18. 1 point
    While taking the time to wonder exactly what Vaagheid was saying about this guy ten years ago, it should be noted that he's seeking re-election in Bolivia until 2025: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/20/world/americas/bolivia-election-evo-morales.html
  19. 1 point
    Massive Brexit breakthrough No 4,000,000,000,000,000 Labour will possibly vote for Boris's deal if the second referendum amendment is passed. Boris's path through is simple now: Concede the people's vote amendment and customs union amendment and pass his deal by an overwhelming majority.
  20. 1 point
    Canal Journeys is back for a one off special. No big trips, just a toddle through Oxford. The TV previews focused on Prunella's "vastly deteriorating health". Watching it, Prunella Scales apparently doesn't really talk much anymore unless heavily prompted, and is having to holding herself up by the barrier. She is also fully deaf. Her voice overs are all from previous years. She also no longer focuses on the camera. Her voice is also a lot more slurred when she does talk. Also rather notably this episode is filled of clips from older adventures. Much less current stuff. Timothy West himself has aged in the last 2 years quite badly. He says his own memory is struggling, and he doesn't look a well man. I think they wont last 6 months without the other when the first one goes. “The canals will carry on without us. I just wonder if we can carry on without them.” Timothy West
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Death row .... what a brother know I suspect Glitter may end up in the U.K. again rather soon He paid some kid 2 grand to shut up My mum met Gary Glitter in Tesco once, he was quite polite and invited my mum and her friend to 'his gangshow' - of course they declined. He was in no way sordid or deviant though, but my mum and her pal are in their 50's so he probably wasn't that interested in them
  25. 1 point
    A bit of sympathy is due I feel...It must have come as quite a shock to the poor girl when it dawned on her that she was married to a bloke from Toploader
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