The reason why your brushing off of Covid as nothing really sticks in the craw is that it’s frankly an insensitive insult to 150k families, and those with long Covid.
When I had Covid in April 2020, I was 23. I’m a non-smoker with a BMI of around 24 and no pre-existing health conditions. It ravaged me. Too afraid to call for medical help, I got next day delivery on a temperature gun and oximeter. My temperature was up to 40.2C and my oxygen sats were at 81. I saw these worrying stats, and my laboured breathing, and concluded that I was going to die alone at home. Luckily I recovered but I was physically unable to work full time for 4 months after it. I’ve since been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which was very likely a result of the attack the virus launched on my central nervous system, and will stay with me, causing chronic pain, fatigue and brain fogs, for the rest of my life.
A friend I went to college with, gym fit and the same age as me, had Covid and died in July 2020. To my knowledge, at least 3 ex-colleagues have died of Covid. I’ve several friends who have lost a family member, multiple for a couple of them. And I’m not a rare case. Hundreds of thousands of people in this country alone have a similar story to tell.
“Not deadly and a big con”? You’ve got a lot of fucking off to do, you insensitive fucking lunatic.