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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/01/23 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. 3 points
    Buzz Aldrin, the famous American astronaut who made history when he was one of the three members of the successful Apollo 11 space mission, and the second person to walk on the Moon, is 93 today. José Luis Garci, the admired and sensational Spanish author, critic, film and television director, producer, screenwriter and television presenter, one of the best Spanish filmmakers of his generation and one of the greatest of all time, is 79 today. José Luis Garci was the winner of the first Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film for a Spanish production.
  3. 3 points
    Surely if you want to search for Crosby's death, you'd use Bing.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    Inquest into his death reveals that Leslie Jordan died from “cardiac dysfunction” and was dead before his car crashed. Now, I’m no doctor but if they’re certain that he was dead before crashing then it sounds like his aorta may have ruptured, in which case he likely died instantly (Hollywood style if you like) so he wouldn’t have even known he was a goner. At least he didn’t suffer in any way.
  6. 2 points
    Richard Nixon, Kurt Cobain, Jackie Kennedy, John Candy, Bill Hicks and Kim Il-sung from 1994 Jerry Garcia, Selena, Dean Martin and of course the assassination of Yitzah Rabin from 1995 Francois Mitterand, Ella Fitzgerald, Gene Kelly and Marcello Mastroianni from 1996 Deng Xiaoping, Jacques Cousteau, Robert Mitchum and Jimmy Stewart from 1997 (up until late August), with the last two less than two months before Diana.
  7. 2 points
    One thing I have observed over the not even three weeks that 2023 has been thus far comprised of is the sudden rise in notable deaths, or at least deaths of people I have heard of/common death pool picks. While I cannot be sure about the main list, which still sits at zero out of fifty deaths, 2023 could be a kind of enema as Gooseberry Crumble has been predicting for the last while and a half. In the last 19 days, Frank McGarvey, Gianluca Vialli, Adam Rich, Lisa Marie Presley, King Constantine II of Greece, George Pell, Jeff Beck, Robbie Knievel, Lucile Randon, David Crosby, Fay Weldon, David Sutherland, Ronald Blythe, Gina Lollobrigda, Carole Cook, Tatjana Patitz, etc. have all passed away. The ones named there total 16. In 19 days. 2023 has so far proven itself to be a major killer of celebrities, some expected, some shocking. I cannot predict the future, so I'm not going to prophecise the next 11 and a bit months, but it seems that Dead Pooling could be in for a record-breaking year.
  8. 2 points
    Maybe. He wasn’t really a controversial drop through. He didn’t seem very unwell. Where does this rank on quickest death after being dropped? 19 days can’t have been beaten many times if at all. Could it be the quickest ever?
  9. 2 points
    2023 is going to be the year when every DL drop dies.
  10. 1 point
    If the Nobel Prize Committee had an award for Best Joke of the Year, you've won it, sir!
  11. 1 point
    Last year, there had been 24 hits by the 19th.
  12. 1 point
    His publicists seem pretty mum in every article I've read so far. I doubt anyone saying they know the cause for sure isn't just guessing. The NYT obit indicates he died on the evening of the 18th. Given he appeared as active as usual yesterday, it seems hard to believe he would simultaneously have been dying of elongated COVID.
  13. 1 point
    Where did you get his height from? And what figure did you find?
  14. 1 point
    It's only a "big miss" because they picked him regularly, pretty much everyone in the forums wanted him removed from the list.
  15. 1 point
    I smell a rat. Until Lady Cecilia Bartholomew confirms I’m calling it a hoax.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    We got to see Iron Maiden
  18. 1 point
    @WEP - Al Gore and Eugene Francis Fama been added as replacements.
  19. 1 point
    Last night I went to see the 'Posh Panto' Mother Goose which starred 83 year old Sir Ian McKellen and John Bishop. Judging by his performance I would say he should not trouble us in the next few years.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    maybe we'll see him at his daughter's funeral
  22. 1 point
    Morphe Cosmetics is closing all its U.S. locations. The company, founded in 2008 and once valued at $2 billion, had been partnered with YouTube fashion influencers Jeffree Star and James Charles, among others, whose fame has turned to infamy, for various reasons. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/morphe-cosmetics-closes-us-retail-stores-employee-shock-rcna64309
  23. 1 point
    I close friend of mine is a professional contact of Chomsky's . He agrees with my assessment that he is in decline and has even said he thinks he should retire for the sake of his legacy as is no longer at his best at all.He has also told me that he is responding less to correspondence and when he does there is an uncharacteristic lack of intellectual engagement and criticality than you would have expected 3 years ago.
  24. 1 point
    Found this list of Austrian movie stars: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_österreichischer_Filmschauspieler Some of the famous ones who are still alive: Senta Berger (1941) Waltraud Haas (1927) Lotte Ledl (1930) Gerlinde Locker (1938) Erni Mangold (1927) Johanna Matz (1932) Christine Schuberth (1944) Nadja Tiller (1929) Bibiana Zeller (1928) Sybil Danning (1947) Dagmar Koller (1939) Klaus-Maria Brandauer (1943) Freddy Quinn (1931) Otto Schenk (1931) Peter Weck (1930) Helmut Berger (1940) Franz Buchrieser (1937) Karl Merkatz (1930) Lukas Resetarits (1947) Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947) Peter Simonischek (1946) Marianne Mendt (1945) Marianne Nentwich (1942) Elisabeth Orth (1936) Christine Ostermayer (1936) Elisabeth Trissenaar (1944) Heidelinde Weis (1940)
  25. 1 point
    Biggest misses are Rene Angelil, Daisy Berkowitz and Val Kilmer.
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