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Paul Bearer

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This is all just another example of how much ill-feeling and division the royal family invokes.

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3 minutes ago, Windsor said:
17 minutes ago, time said:

An alarming lack of empathy from some people here!

The only reason we should have empathy is if being of African descent is a taboo.

Spoiler alert: it’s not. 


That's exactly it. African ancestry is nothing to be ashamed of, so why should we be expected to behave as if it is?  Isn't it better to acknowledge your heritage and celebrate it?

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2 minutes ago, TQR said:

This is all just another example of how much ill-feeling and division the royal family invokes.


It's not confined to the RF it's rife everywhere.  Will we reach the point where white people will be afraid to say anything at all to a non-white person?

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Time for Harry to edit his book for the 20th time to add this in.

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Anybody considering choosing  Barbara Eden might be interested to know she is flying to Germany in the next few days to a fan convention.  Not bad for a woman in her nineties.

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Sophia Loren

Djamila Boupacha

Noam Chomsky

Jimmy Carter

Hossein Vahid Khorasani

Ahmad Jannati

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I can see Chris Rea taking next year’s no. 50 position on the DL, if not Vladimir Putin or Andy Taylor.

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On 05/11/2018 at 17:08, msc said:

9000 posts, far too many, really. Actually, if you count my guest phase, probably well beyond. Ah well. As Proper Post 1 was a list, and first really regular deadpooling post was a list then... yep, list coming. Here's a list of potential names and ideas for DDPs (and other pools) for folk in 2019. It's a list of frail folk, terminally ill folk, and really old folk rarely mentioned - in an attempt to provide suggestions for all persuasions of the forum. Some are Deathlisty, others more Deathracey, but pretty sure all will get a qualifying obit. Anyhow, I think a fair lot of these names will die in 2019, but there is only room for 20 on my Pan Breed team, so if you want to pick them, good luck!


-          Mahmoud Abbas (1935) – Palestinian leader who spent 9 days in hospital in May with a lung infection, the latest of several periods of ill health.

-          Sandy Alderson (1947) – Mets GM whose cancer relapsed in summer 2018.IN REMISSION SINCE 2019

-          Pat Arrowsmith (1930) – Hell raising anarchist of the 70s. In ill health for years, presumed long dead then she showed up at a protest in 2016!

-          Eileen Atkins (1934) – British actress, once turned down Colin Farrell.

-          Christopher Awdry (1940) – Carried on the Thomas the Tank Engine books after his dad retired. Word down the pipeline is his health ain’t great nowadays.

-          Joan Baez (1941) – Somehow, 77.

-          Renee Baio (1960) – Survived brain tumour, now has micro-vascular brain disease.

-          Tom Baker (1934) – Actor David Collings says that living legend Tom is “in frail health these days” – sad day when he goes.

-          Brigitte Bardot (1934) – Opinionated actress that folk keep saying looks frail.

-          Rubens Barrichello (1972) – F1 driver who had surgery for a brain tumour in 2018. HE GOT BETTER

-          Howard Becker (1928) – Aging sociologist.

-          Nino Benvenuti (1938) – Boxing world champ, had massive heart attack in April.

-          David Berglas (1926) – Ancient magician, pioneer of TV magic, obit cert. For Yanks, see Mark Wilson and Nani Darnell, for the exact same and a…80% chance of DDP QO.

-          John Bird (1936) – Aging comic actor. BEEN MIA FOR YEARS NOW

-          Barry Bonds (1965) – Poster child for “I def didn’t use steroids in sport, honest” – 54 next year, same age as Ultimate Warrior got to…

-          Connie Booth (1944) – Wrote most of Fawlty Towers and put up with John Cleese as a partner for years, neither of which she gets the praise earned for.

-          Barbara Taylor Bradford (1934) – Best selling writer getting on a bit.

-          George Burley (1956) – Scottish football manager. Alcoholic, which has cost him most of his jobs.

-          Dick Butkus (1942) – American sports star. Look, I just mentioned him because of his name.

-          Terry Carter (1928) – SF actor wrongly called dead in 2016.

-          Peter Cellier (1928) – One of those British character actors in everything, now 90, regular in Yes Minister so QO should be guaranteed.

-          George Chakiris (1934) – West Side Story actor, vegan fitness type so will probably see 90+, but not mentioned much even by casuals and 85 next year.

-          Peter Chelkowski (c. 1932) – Notable historian, now suffering from Parkinsons or MND – never quite found out which. Ailing badly, either way. STILL ALIVE

-          Lawrence Gordon Clark (1929) – Directed all those MR James BBC dramas repeated each Christmas.

-          Charles Clarke (1950) – Fat stress filled former Home Secretary, massive HA waiting to happen.

-          Roy Clarke (1930) – Wrote every episode  of Last of the Summer Wine, and Keeping Up Appearances.

-          Dabney Coleman (1932) – Aging actor, suffered from cancer in recent years.

-          Kenneth Cope (1931) – Familiar TV actor with COPD now.

-          Billy Connolly (1942) – Big Yin, big Parkinsons fan back in the 70s. Big Parkinsons sufferer now. Also had/has cancer, depending on his turn of phrase.

-          Herb Cox (1951) – Canadian Cabinet member who has had bone cancer 3 times in the last 5 years. RECOVERED

-          Michael Craig (1928) – Actor you can see in fine 50s British films like The Iron Maiden. Or infamously terrible (but fun in a so bad its…bad way) Dr Who story Terror of the Vervoids.

-          Jon Culshaw (1968) – Dead Ringers guy. Voicing Kamelion for Big Finish in 2019, and thus fucked, as per The Curse of Kamelion.

-          Charles Cyphers (1939) – Burley actor you can see in pretty much every single John Carpenter film.

-          William B Davis (1938) – Cancer Man from X-Files. Doesn’t actually smoke in real life, but looked fucking ancient in the revival.

-          Richard Dawkins (1941) – Notable scientist/skeptic, not seen as much since serious stroke in late 2016.

-          Fred Dinenage (1942) – Looks 80. Mind you, he did back in the 60s too. TV star, rarely seen these days.

-          Rodrigo Duterte (1945) – You know it’s going to happen, with his gung ho gun wars, and “ I definitely don’t have cancer but so what if I do” attitude…

-          Roy Evans (1930) – Another “didn’t he die years ago?” name, stock Welsh actor in everything in the 80s.

-          Abdul Fakir (1935) – Last surviving member of The Four Tops.

-          Alex Ferguson (1941) – Highly successful football manager, suffered a highly critical brain haemorrhage in early 2018. Good chance of the whistle going on Fergie Time in 2019. IN MUCH BETTER HEALTH NOW

-          Ric Flair (1949) – Oft called the GOAT in pro-wrestling, with many notable health problems. Had multiple organ failure in 2017, lucky to be alive, now frail but told by doctors he’ll die if he has another drink. PS He’s an alcoholic. STILL ALIVE, HOW????

-          Terry Funk (1949) – the GOAT wrestler, now in frail health after a lifetime of less than sensible choices, like wrestling death matches at 65…

-          Alan Garner (1934) – Owl service author who has allegedly retired.

-          Jurgen Habermas (1929)- Aging sociologist, legend in his field.

-          Joe Haines (1928) – Wilsons’s Alistair Campbell.

-          PJ Hammond (1929) – Wrote Sapphire and Steel, which was brill.

-          Kurt Hamrin (1934) – Swedish World Cup finalist footballer, suffering from cancer in recent years.

-          Jerry Hardin (1929) – Aging actor, Big Trouble in Little China, familiar as Deep Throat in X-Files. Done bugger all lately.

-          Malcolm Hebden (1939) – Corrie actor who had a massive HA in 2017 and nearly died.

-          Lance Henriksen (1940) – Surprisingly underrated actor despite solid CV – Aliens, Terminator, Near Dark, Network, Godfather II etc etc. Rumours of ill health in recent years, lung issues.

-          Frazer Hines (1944) – Dr Who’s Jamie, or Emmerdale’s Joe. Had a long battle with cancer in recent years, not as active as he was.

-          Earl Holliman (1928) – Star of first ever Twilight Zone ep.

-          Michel Houllebecq (1956) – Ghastly looking French writer.

-          Douglas Hurd (1930) – Tory heavyweight and Major Cabinet member that has disappeared from view lately and has apparently been in poor health.

-          Wanda Jackson (1937) – Had massive stroke in summer, PR lot told fans she cant reply to them.

-          Michael Jayston (1935) – Tinker Tailor/Valeyard/Emmerdale etc etc actor.

-          Colin Jeavons (1929) – Instantly recognisable as Tim Stamper in the proper House of Cards. Retired some time ago.

-          Eric Joyce (1960) – Alkie former MP and former soldier who once headbutted a Tory MP in a bar fight. Also had an affair with a schoolgirl. Despite this, mostly forgotten! Wont make old bones, 65 might be a struggle too.

-          Charles Kay (1930) – Actor that used to be in everything. Edge of Darkness etc.

-          Stuart Kuttner (1939) – Former Murdoch Press editor, now frail after a series of strokes.

-          Denis Law (1940) – Football legend who has been suffering a lot of pensioner related illnesses and looks like fucking shite now. Circling the drain. NOW HAS VASCULAR DEMENTIA

-          Ian Levine (1954) – Take That manager and Loud Doctor Who fan who gets very angry with everyone (he probably even told Biblio to fuck off once, like everyone else in Who fandom, can you imagine that?), and once got to write a Dr Who story, which was crap. Also a pioneer in rescuing missing archive TV. Had the world’s least surprising massive stroke in 2014.

-          Jet Li (1963) – Action film star with heart issues who looks aged.

-          Lorna Luft (1952) – Theatre actress and Liza Minelli’s sister, now suffering from brain cancer. RECOVERED

-          Ian Martin (1953) – Terminally ill Thick of It writer.

-          Jean Marsh (1934) – Aging and great actress (Upstairs Downstairs, Eagle Has Landed) who had a massive stroke few years back.

-          David McCallum (1933) – Familiar actor, now aging.

-          Barry McGuire (1935) – Eve of Destruction singer/songwriter now in poor health.

-          Gordon McQueen (1952) – Footballer. Was TV pundit until lengthy battle with throat cancer in 2012 killed his voice.  Had nasty stroke in 2015. Now retired and rarely goes out in public, strong doubts he’ll see 70 tbh. HAS SEEN 70 BUT QUITE ILL

-          Nicola Mendelsohn (1971) – Facebook honcho with incurable cancer.

-          Bret Michaels (1963) – Glam rocker. Somehow made the age of 55 despite: lifelong diabetics (and at least one diabetic coma), severe drug use despite that, one brain haemorrhage, a stroke, and heart problems.

-          Vil Mirzayanov (1937) – The Inventor of Novichok. Yeah, that stuff. Stage IV cancer.

-          Willie Nelson (1933) – Frail music legend.

-          John Nettleton (1929) – Actor who was in everything – you’ll know the face – but long retired now due to being 90 in February coming.

-          Sean O’Neill (1964) – Times journalist struggling with cancer.

-          Yoko Ono (1933) – singer, feminist, John Lennon’s widow. Had suspected (but covered up) stroke in 2015. Now uses wheelchair for travel, struggles to walk, and has trouble speaking. Also increasingly frail.

-          Peter Oosterhuis (1948) – Golfer diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s in 2015.

-          Al Pacino (1940) – Overrated A-list actor now getting up in age for your casual punt pick.

-          Jimmy Page (1944) – Rock demon who must be close to expiry date.

-          Eileen Paisley (1931) – Big Ian’s* widow, who spends most of her time criticising the DUP who have somehow managed to move to the right of the late Dr and spend much their time going “I think what Ian Paisley meant to say… “
*Naw, no that one!!!


-          Judy Parfitt (1935)  - Well seen face on TV, now in Call the fecking Midwive. Said she didn’t expect to live to see end of show, is she keeping something from us?

-          Chris Patten (1944) – Tory chairman who hilariously lost in 92, then was last Governor of Hong Kong and chairman of the BBC. Now suffering from heart problems.

-          Sian Phillips (1933) – Hard to tell this RSC legend’s health as she’s looked frail and skeletal for 50 years! Tinker Tailor,  I Claudius, etc.

-          Gordon Pinsent (1930) – Canadian TV actor who will actually QO as he was Benton’s dead dad (he was a ghost) in Due South. What do you mean, what was Due South? It was fucking massive in the 90s. OK, he’s also the voice of Cornelius in 90s kids TV show Babar. Oh, and he had brain surgery in 2016.


-          Kenny Richey (1964)  - Scot who was on Death Row in the US for 20 years, despite dodgy evidence. Got cleared in 2007, promptly became a raging alkie, got cancer, tried suicide several times and  had a breakdown. Now allegedly on the wagon, but has suffered a stroke and five heart attacks in the last few years! On borrowed time imo. STILL ALIVE. NO IDEA HOW.

-          Linda Riordan (1953) – former MP who retired in 2015 due to ill health.

-          Anne Robinson (1944) – Former Watchdog/Weakest Link host with alcoholism and cancer problems in her past.

-          Smokey Robinson (1940) – One of those legendary music figures you think is already dead.

-          Carl Rogberg (1967) – Former Tesco finance director who recently avoided a fraud trial via a massive heart attack.

-          Tony Roper (1941) – Scottish actor (Rab C Nesbitt) with a series of health issues in recent years.

-          Norman Scott (1940) – Jeremy Thorpe’s lover, still alive despite a crap life. Recently gained new fame due to RTD miniseries.

-          Labi Siffre (1945) – Something Inside So Strong/It Must Be Love/I Got The. Sod all mentions, so here he is. 73 is 103 for 70s musicians.


-          Jim Sillars (1937) – Former Labour, independent, Socialist Labour and SNP MP, and lifetime Scottish independence “advocate and shit stirrer” – his words, not mine. Had some health scares since Margo’s death. ALIVE BUT ALLEGEDLY UNWELL

-          Nikki Six (1958) – Motley Crue founder, 60 in a few weeks. Given he was declared dead twice in the 80s from drug overdoses but came back, that’s bloody good going imo.

-          Tony Slattery (1959) – comic actor who didn’t have the career he ought to have, due to lifelong battle with extreme manic depression.

-          Grace Slick (1939) – Lead singer of Jefferson Airplane/Starship, how she is still alive is beyond me.

-          Ian Smith (1938) – Harold Bishop from Neighbours. ALIVE BUT AGED IN NEIGHBOURS FINALE


-          Richard Smith (1952) – long time BMJ editor now suffering from skin cancer.

-          John Standing (1934) – Familiar film actor – Eagle Has Landed/V for Vendetta – now getting up in age and again ignored by deadpoolers who picked Sinead O’fucking Connor.

-          RL Stine (1942) – Legendary kids horror writer, mentioned here as he doesn’t get enough mentions on here.

-          Graeme Souness (1953) – HA waiting to happen dour crap Scottish football manager/pundit with heart issues.

-          Pam St Clement (1942) – Eastenders star and medicinal weed advocate.

-          Adrian Street (1940) – Legendary British pro-wrestler. Made it in the US, lived in Florida, had severe heart issues and has now retired to Wales. APPEARED IN WWE IN SEPTEMBER, LOOKED HALF-DEAD ALREADY

-          Russ Tamblyn (1934) – Twin Peaks actor with severe health issues and heart problems in recent years.

-          Valentina Tereshkova (1937) – First woman in space.

-          Mordechai Vanunu (1954) – Israeli nuclear whistle blower, and former Glasgow Uni rector. Still under various criminal restrictions, and allegedly his health isn’t great.

-          Robert Watts (1938) – Star Wars and Bond production manager now in frail health.

-          Honeysuckle Weeks (1979) – Foyle’s War star whose TV career took a hiatus in 2016-17 due to a stay in psychiatric care.


-          Michael York (1942) – Cabaret/Austin Powers actor still carrying on, despite amyloidosis bumping off younger men quicker.


Hmm, there are the living names after 4 years, @YoungWillz


Of the 192 old or ill suggestions, 81 are dead.

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On 21/03/2022 at 22:38, arghton said:

Felix Dadaev, Stalin's body double, now 99, apparently interviewed recently:


Tells how he was recruited after Stalin's last body double was killed, talks about how Khrushchev made him speak with the voice of Stalin after Stalin died, claims that Khrushchev was drunk when he gave Crimea to Ukraine, talks about how women loved Stalin and says that Molotov was the wisest person in Stalin's entourage.


On 21/08/2021 at 19:38, arghton said:

Felix Gadzhievich Dadaev (born 1920 or 1923) Stalin's body double and artist





Dadaev was one of Stalin's four body doubles in the 1940s and early 1950s and this has apparently been confirmed by the KGB.

His story was only revealed to the public in 2008 when he got a permission for talking about it from Putin and the latest picture I could find is from 2014:


According to the Russian wiki, he's alive and will be 99 next March. Can't find any other confirmation though, but I think that if he had died his death would be mentioned in a lot of places. Appeared in this 2013 document. Around 12:17 onwards

The Stalin body double guy is seemingly still alive. 100 or 103 in four months.

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It's been a while since I have posted but I was listening to LBC this morning, and heard some wheezy old codger boring on about how great the English football team were doing in the world cup, although nothing could beat the orgasmic intensity of his having seen them win in 1966 (Yawn). I thought to myself; "hurry up and die."


I then realised it was venerable football pundit Barry Davies.


He's 85 and sounded VERY VERY OLD.

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Don't know much about him but I believe Norman Lear is fairly geriatric.

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On 03/12/2022 at 14:32, jmh8300 said:

It's been a while since I have posted but I was listening to LBC this morning, and heard some wheezy old codger boring on about how great the English football team were doing in the world cup, although nothing could beat the orgasmic intensity of his having seen them win in 1966 (Yawn). I thought to myself; "hurry up and die."


I then realised it was venerable football pundit Barry Davies.


He's 85 and sounded VERY VERY OLD.

Des Lyman the same

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On 03/12/2022 at 12:32, jmh8300 said:

It's been a while since I have posted but I was listening to LBC this morning, and heard some wheezy old codger boring on about how great the English football team were doing in the world cup, although nothing could beat the orgasmic intensity of his having seen them win in 1966 (Yawn). I thought to myself; "hurry up and die."


I then realised it was venerable football pundit Barry Davies.


He's 85 and sounded VERY VERY OLD.

He sounded better than Jeffrey Archer did on LBC the day before. 

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How about ex Chelsea and Leeds United Chairman and all round Mr Nice Guy, Ken Bates who was 91 today? If Doug Ellis can make the list why not Ken? 

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Tom King former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in the mid 80s and Secretary of Defence (notably during the Gulf War) either cabinet position on their  own given the period he held the posts guarantees an QO.


Turns 90 next year

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Was also the invisible man in spitting image.

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1 hour ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Tom King former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in the mid 80s and Secretary of Defence (notably during the Gulf War) either cabinet position on their  own given the period he held the posts guarantees an QO.


Turns 90 next year


EDIT: @Paul Bearer you think as our Christmas present this year, you may be able to solve why FB and YouTube links no longer automatically embed as they once did?

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17 hours ago, Deathrace said:

He sounded better than Jeffrey Archer did on LBC the day before. 


Yes I heard Archer, and wondered why anyone would drag him out from whatever rock he's been hiding under. Jeffrey, the shoplifter, bankrupt, crap (but successful) author, prostitute using, prostitute bribing, perjurer and perverter of justice. Why anyone would want to listen to him is beyond me.

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