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Twisted DL 2023-2024

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Rob Burrow dead so add Wayne Eddy (journalist) in as sub. Thank you.

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Rob Burrow's death elevates Steve McMichael to my main list.

Erik Jensen is now my third substitute.

Thank you!

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Please add José Mujica as my new sub following Rob Burrow's death.

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I had Rob Burrow.Please can I have Alan Bergman (Lyricist) as my third sub?

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Noam Chomsky in as new no 3 sub for Rob Burrow, please.

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Rob Burrow dead, Theo Burrell jumps in, Georg Koch is new sub No.3, please.

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Due to the death of Rob Burrow plz add Jane McAlevy


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Due to the death of Rob Burrow, Pope Francis now moves up to the 4th slot; please add Noam Chomsky as the new 3rd sub. Thank you.

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Georg Koch as new sub, please

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My new third sub as everyone moves up to replace Rob Burrow is Patricia Routledge

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William Russell was my #20 list entry. He is now replaced by Sven-Goran Eriksson.


German football player/coach Georg Koch now is my third substitute.

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Judy Loe into the team replacing William Russell.

New no 3 sub - Stephen Darby, please.

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Kevin Campbell (Footballer) to replace William Russell please.

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With the death of Rob Burrow, Noam Chonsky joins the team, my sub 3 is Khamtai Siphandone

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Rob Burrow was a hit for me, can I have Roberta Flack as my new sub please?

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Dear Life… 


Alice Munro is a solo hit for GuyFromFuture Yoshiro Nakamatsu moving to the official list and Jose Mujica as new sub



She had a Good run !


Gudrun Ure is a solo hit for GuyFromFuture again : Jamal Yunos enters the list and Sven Goran Eriksson as new sub 



Med-wins a point !


Terry Medwin is a solo hit for YorkshireBanker : Alain Delon in and Jane McAlevey as new sub 



Dijkstra discharged ! 


Sjoukje Dijkstra is another solo hit for YorkshireBanker : Margaret Barton in and Antonia Fraser as sub 3 



Turning the last Paige !


Janis Paige is a solo hit for @BuffaloPhil : Violetta Chamorro in and a new sub needed please ! 



… and in the midst of all these solo hits… 


Robbed from life !


Rob Burrow is a much awaited hit for bibliogryphon, Book, Captain Chorizo, Commtech Sio Bibble, diego, gcreptile, Great Uncle Bulgaria, Handrejka, ladyfiona, msc, Sean, Summer in Transylvania, theoldlady, Toast and a miss for @max_bossetti and @ThereWillBeDeaths7 : can you both choose another sub please ? :) 

Bibliogryphon Julie Goodyear moves to the official list and Patricia Routledge enters the sub list

Book : Theo Burrell in and Georg Kock as sub 3 

CaptainChorizo : Jamal Yunos in and Jane McAlevey as third sub 

Commtech Sio Bibble: Noam Chomsky to the official list and Erik Jansen as new sub 

diego : Noam Chomsky to the list and Siphandone as sub n°3

@gcreptile : Jane McAlevey in and another sub needed please 

@Great Uncle Bulgaria : Terry Paine in and another sub needed please !

Handrejka : Joanne Woodward in and Roberta Flack as third sub

ladyfiona : Lili Elbert in and Wayne Eddy on the sub bench

@msc : Kathy Brown as n°1 official pick and another sub needed please !

Sean Chuwit Kamolvisit in and Alan Bergman on the sub bench 

Summer in Transylvania : Antero Laukkanen in and Alberto Fujimori waiting for his turn 

theoldlady : Pope Francis to the official list and Chomsky as new sub 

Toast : Theo Burell in and Chomsky as sub n°3

Torva Messor : Steve McMichael in and Erik Jansen on the sub list

wannamaker : Jamal Yunos in and Jose Mujica to complete the sub list

Wep : Jamal Yunos on the official list too and Georg Koch as new sub

@YorkshireBanker : Bob Packwood in and another sub needed please ! 



Doctor… Who ? 


William Russell is a hit for Commtech Sio Bibble, Sean, Toast and Torva Messor

Commtech Sio Bibble : Sven Goran Eriksson in and Jose Mujica as new sub

Sean : Nelson Acosta in and Kevin Campbell on the sub bench

Toast : Judy Loe in and Stephen Darby as new sub

@Torva Messor : Jamal Yunos in and Georg Koch as sub n°3. You never chose Sven Goran Eriksson if I'm not mistaking but Jamal Yunos instead (p. 10)

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If accepted, YouTuber Paul Harrell please.


Also, my 2nd sub Caleb Carr has already died. Guess I'll go with Georg Koch.

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Jane Morgan for 3rd sub please

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