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Magere Hein

Death In The Family

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Kevin Corcoran, who played the youngest son in the 1957 Disney kids classic Old Yeller, then became a producer on such TV series as The Shield and Sons of Anarchy, has died. He was 66.



Was he your relative since you posted in this thread??



No, I think his post was merged here with the rest in error. I've now put it back in the correct thread.

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Not famous and won't get an obit, but my Brother died today and I wanted to mark it somewhere and I thought of here.

Very sorry to hear that. Condolences to you and your family.

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Not famous and won't get an obit, but my Brother died today and I wanted to mark it somewhere and I thought of here.


So sorry for your loss.

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Thank you for all your kind words. If someone can move the thread that would be good.

sorry to hear but he will still live on in your memories

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Not famous and won't get an obit, but my Brother died today and I wanted to mark it somewhere and I thought of here.


Sorry to hear that. Hope you and your family are doing well, all things considered.

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Not famous and won't get an obit, but my Brother died today and I wanted to mark it somewhere and I thought of here.

I did the same for my mother in January.

Very sorry to hear such a personal loss. May you and your family find peace during this time and may you always remember your brother fondly.


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Been dreading this day for several months, and today had to say goodbye to a beloved brave little dog. broken-heart.gif

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Sorry to hear that.

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My condolences toast

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I know what you're going through Toastie, I cried my heart out when I lost my dog Butch.


I watched him being born and I watched him die. My heart goes out to you. XXX

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Thanks everyone. I keep hearing him at the door, and then I remember. :(

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I am having a rough time at the moment.A few days ago I buried a dear friend and neighbour of mine.He was 91 and had suffered ill health for several years and selfishly when I knew he was very ill a few months ago I put off seeing him as I knew it would be an awful sight to witness. At the time it seemed a natural response but now I feel like a bit of a bastard for not seeing him.Also a close colleague of mine is now fighting stage 4 breast cancer and has previously fought the disease off 3 times before and also lost her eldest daughter to cancer a few years back.She is 56 and says she has 3 years to live but I would be surprised if she made Christmas as she is losing weight very quickly and suffering complications from her illness.One of my best Friends mothers from School who is also 56 has recently been given a terminal cancer diagnosis.I don`t know the type as the family are trying to protect her privacy which is understandable but it is indeed aggressive and causing her great suffering at this time as well as all her family whom I have known for many years so it feels personal despite it not being so in the traditional family sense.Suffice to say it has not been a good time for me and I am feeling quite despondent to be honest.

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Been dreading this day for several months, and today had to say goodbye to a beloved brave little dog. broken-heart.gif

Very sorry to hear that Toast.Dogs bring us such unrequited joy and loyalty meaning that their loss is felt severely.I have an 11 year old dog now and although she is in rude health I am aware that the time will come fairly soon and the thought of losing your loyalist of friends is hard to comprehend.

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I am having a rough time at the moment.A few days ago I buried a dear friend and neighbour of mine.He was 91 and had suffered ill health for several years and selfishly when I knew he was very ill a few months ago I put off seeing him as I knew it would be an awful sight to witness. At the time it seemed a natural response but now I feel like a bit of a bastard for not seeing him.Also a close colleague of mine is now fighting stage 4 breast cancer and has previously fought the disease off 3 times before and also lost her eldest daughter to cancer a few years back.She is 56 and says she has 3 years to live but I would be surprised if she made Christmas as she is losing weight very quickly and suffering complications from her illness.One of my best Friends mothers from School who is also 56 has recently been given a terminal cancer diagnosis.I don`t know the type as the family are trying to protect her privacy which is understandable but it is indeed aggressive and causing her great suffering at this time as well as all her family whom I have known for many years so it feels personal despite it not being so in the traditional family sense.Suffice to say it has not been a good time for me and I am feeling quite despondent to be honest.

Cancer sucks.

No idea how old you are but you get around 40 the increase in stories of those around us such as yours increase exponentially. Sorry to hear that the Reaper is piling on with a few folks around you simultaneously.


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I am having a rough time at the moment.A few days ago I buried a dear friend and neighbour of mine.He was 91 and had suffered ill health for several years and selfishly when I knew he was very ill a few months ago I put off seeing him as I knew it would be an awful sight to witness. At the time it seemed a natural response but now I feel like a bit of a bastard for not seeing him.Also a close colleague of mine is now fighting stage 4 breast cancer and has previously fought the disease off 3 times before and also lost her eldest daughter to cancer a few years back.She is 56 and says she has 3 years to live but I would be surprised if she made Christmas as she is losing weight very quickly and suffering complications from her illness.One of my best Friends mothers from School who is also 56 has recently been given a terminal cancer diagnosis.I don`t know the type as the family are trying to protect her privacy which is understandable but it is indeed aggressive and causing her great suffering at this time as well as all her family whom I have known for many years so it feels personal despite it not being so in the traditional family sense.Suffice to say it has not been a good time for me and I am feeling quite despondent to be honest.




Been dreading this day for several months, and today had to say goodbye to a beloved brave little dog. broken-heart.gif

Very sorry to hear that Toast.Dogs bring us such unrequited joy and loyalty meaning that their loss is felt severely.I have an 11 year old dog now and although she is in rude health I am aware that the time will come fairly soon and the thought of losing your loyalist of friends is hard to comprehend.



Indeed, it was cancer that took our little fellow too. He was also 11 but as a tough little terrier, he should have had a few more years in him.

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I am having a rough time at the moment.A few days ago I buried a dear friend and neighbour of mine.He was 91 and had suffered ill health for several years and selfishly when I knew he was very ill a few months ago I put off seeing him as I knew it would be an awful sight to witness. At the time it seemed a natural response but now I feel like a bit of a bastard for not seeing him.Also a close colleague of mine is now fighting stage 4 breast cancer and has previously fought the disease off 3 times before and also lost her eldest daughter to cancer a few years back.She is 56 and says she has 3 years to live but I would be surprised if she made Christmas as she is losing weight very quickly and suffering complications from her illness.One of my best Friends mothers from School who is also 56 has recently been given a terminal cancer diagnosis.I don`t know the type as the family are trying to protect her privacy which is understandable but it is indeed aggressive and causing her great suffering at this time as well as all her family whom I have known for many years so it feels personal despite it not being so in the traditional family sense.Suffice to say it has not been a good time for me and I am feeling quite despondent to be honest.

sorry to hear just remember that one day a cure for cancer will develop hopefully you'll never have to deal with heart ache like thus again. I hope this helps

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Sad news all round, sorry to hear you are both having tough times :(

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Im afraid to say that life is, without a doubt, a nonsensical pile of dog shit.

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Thank you for all your kind words. If someone can move the thread that would be good.


Condolences on your loss :(

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Thanks everyone. I keep hearing him at the door, and then I remember. :(


Oh Toast, so sorry about your fur-baby. :(

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I am having a rough time at the moment.A few days ago I buried a dear friend and neighbour of mine.He was 91 and had suffered ill health for several years and selfishly when I knew he was very ill a few months ago I put off seeing him as I knew it would be an awful sight to witness. At the time it seemed a natural response but now I feel like a bit of a bastard for not seeing him.Also a close colleague of mine is now fighting stage 4 breast cancer and has previously fought the disease off 3 times before and also lost her eldest daughter to cancer a few years back.She is 56 and says she has 3 years to live but I would be surprised if she made Christmas as she is losing weight very quickly and suffering complications from her illness.One of my best Friends mothers from School who is also 56 has recently been given a terminal cancer diagnosis.I don`t know the type as the family are trying to protect her privacy which is understandable but it is indeed aggressive and causing her great suffering at this time as well as all her family whom I have known for many years so it feels personal despite it not being so in the traditional family sense.Suffice to say it has not been a good time for me and I am feeling quite despondent to be honest.

Sending you coping vibes.

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Had some horrible news late last night .A friend of mine from school took his own life aged just 20.We were never terribly close but hanged out in the same crowd for years so it feels terribly close to home.Especially due to his age and the fact no one from the group knew he was suffering.He also used to sit with me and laugh in class we were well acquainted and got on well even though we wheren`t close friends.Just a horrible shock I guess especially when it is a nice guy no one had a bad word to say about:(

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Sorry to hear that Shaun, it's a rough time all round for you at the moment. Thoughts are with you.

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