Here's mine:
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi: Warmongers are hunting for him, which I think they'll get him before the end of the year. Also, he's DDT joker. 75%
Alan Aspin: 100% dead, but 5% obit chance
Tony Booth: I feel he'll die this year, but he'll hold on a bit longer, possibly into 2018. 85%
Ian Brady: As I said many times before, he was included due to a gut feeling. I might have to not trust my gut next year. 40%
Glen Campbell: The same as Booth. 85%
Errol Christie: A fighter, but surely he's going to die soon. 99%
Rick Davies: A Lee Evans Gambit I fell for, but I'm not writing him out completely. Yet. His cancer is incurable, so 20% will do.
Gord Downie: That very notable media silence which will then lead into death. 99%
Greg Gilbert: Many are saying he's a late year death, but since that life saving chemo will only extend his life by 2 weeks, I think he'll die in summer tbh. 95%
Heidi Loughlin: Currently tweeting away and doing her bucket list, but if they do take away her drugs, as an article suggested in late January, then she could die. 60%
Colin Meads: Currently doing well in his bout with pancreatic cancer, but pancreatic cancer always wins. 65%
Simon Ricketts: Was always going to be a 2017/2018 gamble, but he seems to be doing well. 50%
Stefan Karl Stefansson: Like Colin Meads, pancreatic cancer always strikes back, just a matter of when. 65%
Ben Suisala: He seems fucked with his brain tumor. He'll die, but obitality is another issue. I put it currently at an optimistic 70%.