With just under 4 months before 2018 (already?), still far too much time before nominations open for the 2018 Crowdsourced Deathlist! However, an announcement of a minor rule change. Testing this out in 2018, to see if it influences turn out, but you will not need to submit 50 names for a vote to count. 50 is cool, the more of those the merrier, but many of us don't have the time or inclination to name so many people for a non-reward game. So, this November, when nominations for the 3rd annual list open, people will be allowed to send in a list of between 12 minimum and 50 maximum people.
This will be tested out for the 2018 version, and if it doesn't work (ie we don't have much of a change in volume of voters), I reserve the right to revert to previous for 2019, if we're still here of course.