Visited a friends today, and they had a copy of The Sun. About the best bit in it (apart from some photo's of Orlaith from Big Brother ) was this joke.
End of the summer holidays, and Primary 4 class (9/10 year olds for those not familar with UK education system) return to school. The teachers, Miss Jones, says to them all
'Children, now you are in primary 4, we don't use baby words anymore - only grown up words. So, Jane, what did you do during your holiday?'
'I went to visit my nana, miss'
'No Jane, not nana, you went to visit your grandmother. Remember, grown up words! And Samantha, what about you?'
'I went on a choo-choo, miss'
'No Samantha - you went on a train. Grown-up words!!'
A little boy at the back, Jack, puts up his hand.
'Yes, Jack?'
'I read a book, miss'
Suprised, the teachers said,
'And what book was that Jack?'
'It was Winnie the Sh1t, miss'