Default "it's their list, they can put who they like on it" here.
That said, I like the historical element of the list. You know, the folk who are on the list for nearly a dozen years and then one day go in their sleep. The way some folk graduate over the course of a decade from "they've picked who", to "they've picked them again?" to "they keep picking them" to "damn, RIP to a Deathlist legend" as does happen.
The Queen strikes me as the sort of person with 7 plus appearances on the list and a lengthy write up one day, but then, so did Christopher Lee, and he ruined that by randomly dying out of the blue to pnuemonia. Room for both them and folk "likely to die" on a list which has never really been about the numbers. (Otherwise, a whole host of names would have been on it...)
But you know, if they want to put the Queen on it 15 times, more power to them. If they drop her and she immediately snuffs it on January 2nd, well, d'oh. But that's life. It's their list, not mine or ours.