Aye, list will be updated when I have a spare moment later.
18th April 2018
Former American First Lady, Barbara Bush, has died, to give The Crowdsourced Deathlist another success. Bush's health, much like her husband (watch this space?), was widely reported on in recent years, so her strong vote from the forum was no surprise. Despite being related to George W, George HW, Jeb, and that Bush that ran Fox News no one can remember the name of, Barbara seemed to be more of a respected figure across the political divide, especially compared to her long time rival, Nancy Reagan. Perhaps it was her speaking out for gay rights, pro-choice or encouraging literacy rates among children which prompted that - all 3 controversial topics in the US -, but it might also equally be that, as a long term critic of The Simpsons, Bush proved to be merely 10 years ahead of everyone else on the planet. If there's anything millennials love, it's a hipster. She also wrote a children's novel from a dog's perspective. This was her first appearance on the list.