First I thought I had drawn a crappy deck, with no Aces, for example.
But actually, because my deck is very clumped in a few types, this bonus accumulation will increase in intensity.
For example, if I get a hit with Chris Doleman now, who is a 9, I get another pair of nines, and all the bonuses I already got through the 7s and Js through Marieke, plus another pair of nines, and a triple 9 - but yes, also a full house of 9s and Js, and actually TWO full houses with the 9s and 7s, one is two 7s and 3 9s, and one is three 7s and 2 9s. I will then have three 7s and three 9s...which means, actually.... it would be two DIFFERENT full houses of three 7s and two 9s (because with three 9s there are two possibilities of two 9s), and then two DIFFERENT full houses of two 7s and three 9s.
So yeah, Chris Doleman results in.... five (?) full houses.
Well... total mayhem would come if I had a chance to get 4 of a kind, but the Randy Romero non-obit killed that.