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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/01/20 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Despite all the spam, spam, spam, spammity spam of his declining health in recent months, 10 teams expected Terry Jones's death as much as they did the Spanish Inquisition. And now for a scoreboard completely different... =1. An Fear Bag 0 =1. Annami 0 =1. Bibliogryphon 0 =1. BuffaloPhil 0 =1. CaptainChorizo 0 =1. Clorox Bleachman 0 =1. Death Impends 0 =1. drol 0 =1. Etushispushingupdaisies 0 =1. gcreptile 0 =1. Grim Up North 0 =1. Joey Russ 0 =1. LizLemon 0 =1. Mercarte 0 =1. msc 0 =1. Neobrakeon 0 =1. Newjack 0 =1. Pedro67 0 =1. Spade_Cooley 0 =1. The Dead Cow 0 =1. The Old Crem 0 =1. The Quim Reaper 0 =1. The Unknown Man 0 =1. Toast 0 =1. Torva Messor 0 =1. YoungWillz 0 =27. grobler 6 =27. machotrouts 6 29. deadsox 7 30. Philip 9 =31. Book 10 =31. paddyfool 10 =31. theoldlady 10 34. Sir Creep 13 35. Skinny kiltrunner 16 36. Great Uncle Bulgaria 17
  2. 6 points
    A DEAD PARROT 3/50 21st January 2020 Beloved Monty Python member Terry Jones has bereft of life and rests in peace in order to bring the crowdsource list its third score. By far his biggest success was with his work with Monty Python, which taught people that stuff like silly walks and fish slapping were fun things to do. It was no wonder then that with sketches like those they were able to be arguably Britain's finest comedians, something that allowed them to make it worldwide. Terry was less of a performer than the other five and made most of his impact behind the scenes. However, he still performed some really big roles during Monty Python. Among them included the upper-class man in "Nudge Nudge" who kept getting asked about his sex life, the explosive Mr. Creosote in the Meaning of Life, Brian's mother in the Life of Brian, and the waitress in the "Spam" sketch, which now produces the term for the infamous junk mail we all love. He co-directed Holy Grail with Terry Gilliam and he was the sole director of the other two Python films Life of Brian and Meaning of Life. The former of the two films really had a fascinating story, which lead to former Beatle George Harrison to pay for production. Outside of the Python realm, he was a renowned medieval historian and he teamed up once again with Michael Palin to write Ripping Yarns. Sadly, he had an aggressive form of dementia known as frontotemporal dementia, which ultimately lead to his death at 77. This was his second appearance, jumping all the way to the 20th spot. In other news, I just found a book on the Spanish Inquisition. I wasn't expecting to see the Spanish Inquisition while writing this obituary...
  3. 4 points
  4. 2 points
    Impressive 3 - 1 lead at the end of January. Scruton and Sultan of Oman definitely feel likely the could have been on the proper list tbh.
  5. 2 points
    Oh yes thanks ! btw, Olivia is probably the person on the list i want the least to die. Tbh i think it will be heartbreaking to see her go...
  6. 2 points
    Unfortunately news of his death were completely overshadowed by the death of Tunisian PM Hédi Baccouche, who died the same day.
  7. 2 points
    Yep-I've seen this with a few people on the list on previous years where the celebrity says they are "cancer free" and then end up becoming a hit before the year has ended.
  8. 1 point
    Even weirder if you recall Serbia in 1995. Who goes "daily bombs going off and an active warzone, that's my dream retirement..."?
  9. 1 point
    Good catch. Previous post to be updated shortly.
  10. 1 point
    Terry Jones is a Messiah for five teams who all anticipated he'd eat a wafer-thin mint this year. Looks to carry a panto bonus as well. EDIT: Also a rare utilization of the Morris dancing bonus. YorkshireBanker 40 + 48 = 88. Toast 35 + 42 = 77. RadGuy 20 + 24 = 44. Mad Hatter 10 + 12 = 22. And maryport hits his first sub for 25 points.
  11. 1 point
    For all the excitement over Terry Jones, it's worth noting Wikipedia has no deaths listed for today as of 18:33 GMT
  12. 1 point
    I thought arap was something you wear that round your neck and the rest of you..... RIP Kenny Everett
  13. 1 point
    Terry Jones didn't have Alzheimer's. I've said on here before, people need to stop using the term "Alzheimer's" indiscriminately. There are other types of dementia.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Saw it being discussed on Reddit yesterday. The headlines are more eye-grabbing than the research suggests. It's basically an idea, needing research, years away from fruition. Cancer cures, and the news about them, are an industry on their own.
  16. 1 point
    On a more serious note, I don’t think they can truly cure all of cancer, mainly because it’s more of a human reaction inside your body. I think what’s much more likely to happen (and what probably will eventually happen) is that they’re able to find a way to stabilize the cancer and allow patients to live longer (and higher quality) lives. It means that, yes, it will be harder for dead poolers to come up with a list of 20. But I think we’re already kind of seeing a shift into more long term cases before they are dead pooling hits. So while it’ll certainly change dead pooling dynamics, I don’t think it’ll be as detrimental as people make it out to be.
  17. 1 point
    She's now in the Top 10 of oldest ever serving state leaders in history (93 years, 274 days) after surpassing Robert Mugabe yesterday.
  18. 1 point
    As always, thrown into the Random.org washing machine and ended up with P-Orridge and arap Moi in the subs slot Ashley, April Beck, Aaron Trebek, Alex *JOKER* Bayh, Susan Gorbachev, Mikhail Anthony, Ray Gascoine, Jill Gulpilil, David *JOKER* Astin, John Jones, Terry Gray, Henry Pérez de Cuéllar, Javiér Robinson, Michael Barker, Bob Andre, Soeur Johns, Glynis Hume, John Crosby, David Bennett, Jana Lewis, John Tobin, Peter Andretti, John *JOKER* Pahor, Boris Carter, Jimmy Hagen, David Douglas, Kirk Banali, Frankie Smith, Tom *JOKER* de Havilland, Olivia Smullen, Pat Gleason, Steve Champion, Marge Bilton, Tim Lynn, Vera Downs, Hugh Frankland, William Tanaka, Kane Goodenough, John B. Reid, Harry Stiles, Nobby Doleman, Chris *JOKER* Carle, Eric Blackman, Honor Philip, Prince Sang-chul, Yoo Obayashi, Nobuhiko Atkins, Ronald Storch, Larry Whelan, Eileen Trintignant, Jean-Louis SUBS Watanabe, Chitetsu P-Orridge, Genesis arap Moi, Daniel Johnson, Katherine Greaves, Jimmy
  19. 1 point
    01. 6ix9ine 02. George Alagiah 03. John Andretti 30.01.2020 04. Daniel arap Moi (Wildcard) 04.02.2020 05. Frankie Banali 20.08.2020 06. Bob Barker 07. Susan Bayh 08. Benedict XVI. 09. Jimmy Carter 10. Olivia de Havilland 25.07.2020 11. Bob Dole 12. Chris Doleman 28.01.2020 13. Kirk Douglas 05.02.2020 14. Hugh Downs 01.07.2020 15. Rhonda Fleming 14.10.2020 16. William Frankland 02.04.2020 17. Jill Gascoine 28.04.2020 18. Ruth Bader Ginsburg 18.09.2020 19. Mikhail Gorbachev 20. Henry Gray 17.02.2020 21. David Gulpilil 22. David Hagen 24.07.2020 23. John Hume 03.08.2020 24. Glynis Johns 25. Katherine Johnson 24.02.2020 26. Terry Jones 21.01.2020 27. Elizabeth Kelly 28. Lee Kerslake 19.09.2020 29. Henry Kissinger 30. John Lewis 17.07.2020 31. Sam Lloyd 30.04.2020 32. Loretta Lynn 33. Vera Lynn 18.06.2020 34. Richard O'Sullivan 35. Javier Perez de Cuellar 04.03.2020 36. Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh (Wildcard) 37. Leslie Phillips 38. Genesis P-Orridge (Wildcard) 14.03.2020 39. Michael Robinson 28.04.2020 40. Felicitas von Salm-Horstmar 41. Yoo Sang-Chul 42. Tom Smith (Wildcard) 43. Pat Smullen 15.09.2020 44. Jackie Stallone 21.09.2020 45. Nobby Stiles 30.10.2020 46. Kane Tanaka 47. Jean-Louis Trintignant 48. Peter Tobin (Wildcard) 49. Alex Trebek 08.11.2020 50. Tabare Vazquez 06.12.2020 Subs: Willie Nelson Marge Champion Buzz Aldrin Amy Price Olivia Newton-John 28/50
  20. 1 point
    1) Alagiah, George 2) Aldrin, Buzz 3) Andre, Soeur 4) Andretti, John 5) arap Moi, Daniel 6) Banali, Frankie 7) Barker, Bob 8) Baxter, Stanley 9) Benedict XVI, Pope 10) Bennett, Tony 11) Carter, Jimmy 12) Collins, Phil 13) Cosby, Bill 14) de Havilland, Olivia 15) Dole, Bob (WILDCARD) 16) Douglas, Kirk 17) Eastwood, Clint 18) Jox, Michael J. 19) Fujimori, Alberto 20) Ginsburg, Ruth Bader 21) Gorbachev, Mikhail 22) Greaves, Jimmy 2021 23) Gulpilil, David 24) Kissinger, Henry (WILDCARD) 25) Lewis, John 26) Lloyd, Sam 27) Lynn, Vera 28) Nelson, Willie 29) Newton-John, Olivia 30) O'Sullivan, Richard 31) Pahor, Boris 32) Perez de Cuellar, Javier 33) Philip, Prince (WILDCARD) 34) P-Orridge, Genesis 35) Saint, Eva Marie 36) Salm-Horstmar, Princess Felicitas of 37) Scargill, Arthur 38) Shultz, George 2021 39) Stiles, Nobby 40) Tanaka, Kane (WILDCARD) 41) Trebek, Alex 42) Turnbull, Bill 43) Van Dyke, Dick 44) Ventura, Jesse 45) Walker, Murray 2021 46) Watanabe, Chitetsu (WILDCARD) 47) Wayne, Lil' 48) Wertmüller, Lina 49) Whellan, Eileen 50) Windsor, Barbara SUBS: 1) Fleming, Rhonda 2) Harris, Rolf 3) Phillips, Leslie 4) Simon, Paul 5) Smullen, Pat
  21. 1 point
    1. Prince Philip WILDCARD 2. Kirk Douglass 3. Alex Trebek WILDCARD 4. Lee Kerslake 5. George Alagiah 6. Bob Dole 7. Tom Smith WILDCARD 8. John Andretti 9. Genesis P-Orridge 10. John Lewis WILDCARD 11. David Gulpilil WILDCARD 12. Chris Doleman 13. Stirling Moss 14. Jean-Louis Trintignant 15. Daniel arap Moi 16. Susan Bayh 17. Eric Carle 18. Dewayne Lee Johnson 19. Imelda Marco's 20. Willie Nelson 21. Olivia Newton John 22. Kerri Parker 23. Harry Reid 24. Henri Richard 25. Michael Robinson 26. Yoo Sang-Chul 27. Pat Smullen 28. Peter Sutcliffe 29. Kane Tanaka 30. Peter Tobin 31. Chitetsu Watanabe 32. Sheldon Adelson 33. Jay Allen 34. Burt Bacarach 35. Bob Barker 36. Honor Blackman 37. Bernard Cribbins 38. Olivia de Havilland 39. Terri Garr 40. Henry Gray 41. Hank Aaron 42. Katherine Johnson 43. Henry Kissinger 44. Tommy Lasorda 45. Boris Pahor 46. Nobby Stiles 47. Murray Walker 48. Eileen Whelan 49. Jimmy Greaves 50. Vera Lynn Subs Jimmy Carter, Donald Trump, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  22. 1 point
    1 Sheldon Adelson 2 Buzz Aldrin 3 John Andrettti 4 Daniel Arap=Moi (Wild Card) 5 Burt Bacharach 5 Tom Baker 7. Frankie Banali 8 J J Barrie 9 Eric Carle 10 Noel Conway 11 Bob Dole (WC) 12 Chris Doleman 13 Ruth Bader Ginsburg 14 Bernard Cribbins 15 Jimmy Greaves 16 David Gupilil 17 David Hagen 18Katharine Johnson 19 Benjamin Luxon 20 Vera Lynn (WC) 21 Willlie Nelson 22 Olivia Newton-John\ 23 Javier Perez de Cuellar 24 Leslie Phillips 25 Joan Plowright 26 Genesis P-Orridge 27 Ray Reardon 28 Patricia Routledge 29 Eva-Marie Saint 30 Arthur Scargill 31 George shultz 32 Tom Smith (WC) 33 Pat Smullen 34 Jackie Stallone (WC) 35 Nobby Stiles 36 Peter Sutcliffe 37 Bobby Tambling 38 Kane Tanaka 39 J-L Trintignant 40 Peter Tobin 41 Alex Trebek 42 Murray Walker 43 Doddie Weir 44 Barbara windsor 45 Loretta Lynn 46 Chitetsu Watanake 47 Jan Svankmajer 48 Ruth Slencynski 49 Guido Munch Paniagiu 50 Donnie dunagan Ran out of inspiration before the end and the last 5 are the most fun names on the list. No idea who any of them are, probably porn stars or 19 year old Japanese you-tubers for all I know. Anyway, I look forward to finding out when they obit... subs Bill Cosby John Cale Carol Burnett Michael J Fox Jill Gascoine Thanks for running GUB .
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    SCRUTONIZING MR ROGER'S DEATH 2/50 12th January 2020 Well known English bigot Sir Roger Scruton has died to give the Crowdsource list a quick follow up success. He began his career intending to study the natural sciences at Cambridge, but instead switched to studying philosophy on the first day of class. He got his conservative ideology he was well known for after witnessing the May 1968 student protests in France, believing he was on the other side. Well, he was on the other side of many issues that we all love so much, such as being a racist that go him sacked from a government job in 2019, founding The Salisbury Review in 1982 that called for compulsory repatriation, and believing that gay rights are dangerous for the children. Nonetheless, he was highly respected within the conservative community, and got rewards such as the Czech Republic's Medal of Merit from Vaclav Havel in 1998 for his anti-USSR work. He was also knighted in 2016 for "his services in philosophy, teaching, and public education”. However, many people still see him as a massive cunt. News of a cancer diagnosis was announced in August 2019, and after he looked terrible in December, he became popular on lots of folks list. This was his first appearance on the crowdsource list, jumping all the way to 35th place.
  25. 1 point
    The phrase "cancer free" has come back so many times to bite so many people that I really wonder why people still use it.
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