Just a heads up, I plan on opening up the new crowdsource thread sometime in the next 48 hours. And apologies for not catching up on obits quick enough, mental health has really been a pain in the ass for the past few months, among other irl stuff.
What’s this new obsession with starting threads for every single fucker who’s ever been in something notable?
Why was the Voice Actors thread insufficient?
Sporcle greatly improved my geography of the US.
You can progress to this one.
85 today
In 4 days 70 trophies and personal items will be putting up for auction...
" Auctioneer Graham Budd said Mr Piggott had reached 'that stage in his life where he has accumulated a wealth of stuff from his career and is sorting out what to keep and what to let go'."
Ja ja...
I personally feel as though there are many better candidates for the 2021 DL. Eastwood has been health conscious for his whole life by exercising, eating healthily and not smoking. I wouldn’t be surprised if he lived into his 100s.
On that basis, I'd argue George Floyd's death to be the most significant.
Connery is one of many, like Kirk Douglas and Livvie De Havilland that is up there for most famous though.
He looks awful which is sad as he was the ultimate talk show host for Saturday night tv he has interviewed most of the big stars at some point and was brilliant at it, his talks with Muhammad Ali and Billy Connolly to name but a couple were must see tv. He has to go on list looking at him it would be a surprise if he is still here in 2 years time and wouldn’t be surprised if he went next year, too big a name to leave out.
Update for Nobby Stiles
Nobby Stiles cc, ro, gb, mc, gr, sp, ba, di, gn, to, af
Eleven hits for Nobby in World Cup category. Banana & Death Impends move up to 3 different categories.
He was no-ones first hit.
Scoreboard updated
Re George Floyd not being an actual celebrity, the thread doesn't actually say most significant celebrity death, so he counts (see also Muhammed Atta, from the opening post in the thread).
What I'm really asking, I suppose, is why are these deaths considered significant? For the most part, everyone amongst us acknowledges the death, maybe feels a little sad for a little while (or in some cases a little happy) but then life goes on from our perspective exactly as it did before (except the recently deceased is no longer available for deadpooling purposes). How do you measure the 'significance' of a death?
It said on one of the BBC articles that he was the only person to provide voices on SI and also be portrayed in it himself as a puppet. Random claim to fame.
Michael Parkinson appearing (remotely) yesterday to wish his old pal Harry Gration a happy retirement. looks as you'd expect an 85 year old to look, sounds OK.
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