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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/20 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I don't get photos with captions like this.Yes he looks old but he is standing unaided and looks better than he did in December The guy is 99 of course he will look ancient!
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    Your request was finally heard, so Philip can go now Incidentally, I never thought that he would reach 99. Late happy birthday greetings!
  5. 2 points
    Nor me. There's no way anyone will ever get me to apologise for things that were done by other people generations before I was born. I'm pretty sure my generation was the first to grow up largely free from racial prejudice - we saw it around us, but we knew it was wrong. We were taught that to call people 'black' was rude, and we were very careful not to offend. In the years since then we've had the goalposts changed more times than I can count, we're branded as racists at every turn. I believe in equality, the best person for the job should get the job, not to fill quotas because they're BAME, women, LGBT etc. I don't see why people shouldn't dress up for fancy dress parties, it's about pretending to be someone else. I think it's utterly ridiculous and unacceptable to suppress history and ban any reference to anything that's not "woke". Fuck that shit. They've actually succeeded in turning me into a bit of a racist through sheer resentment. Great job.
  6. 2 points
    A fire fighter is polishing a fire engine outside the station when he notices a little girl next door in a little red wagon with little ladders hung off the side and a garden hose tightly coiled in the middle. The little girl is wearing a fire fighter’s helmet and has the wagon tied to a dog and a cat. The fire fighter walks over to take a closer look. “That sure is a nice fire truck,” the fire fighter says with admiration. “Thanks,” the girl says. The fire fighter looks a little closer and notices the girl has tied one wagon leash to the dog’s collar and one to the cat’s testicles. “Little Partner,” the fire fighter says, “I don’t want to tell you how to run your fire truck, but if you were to tie that rope around the cat’s collar, I think you could go a lot faster.” The little girl pauses for a moment to think, looks at the wagon, at the dog and the cat, then shyly looks up into the fireman’s eyes and says…….. “You’re probably right………but then I wouldn’t have a fucking siren, would I?!
  7. 2 points
    Statues being pulled down and streets up for renaming in this country all in the name of some black dude that was killed in America, these people were honoured for building this country into what it is today only to have their history rewritten because some snowflakes don't like the thought of them. If blacks in America are so uptight about their history that they call themselves African American and don't like statues of the people that brought them to America then perhaps they should all just fuck off back to Africa.
  8. 1 point
    Schuey to have "a stem cell operation ‘within days’ to regenerate his nervous system"
  9. 1 point
    Can i come down to film you doing it?
  10. 1 point
    He could spell it with two Zs or put an initial with it, like Q Lazzarus.
  11. 1 point
    Former Prime minister of Gabon Emmanuel Issoze-Nhondet dead at 59 years: https://www.gabonmediatime.com/gabon-lancien-premier-ministre-issoze-ngondet-est-mort/
  12. 1 point
    Of course he looks old but hey, he’s 99, What do people expect ? Compared to Zsa Zsa at 99 for example, i think he looks wonderful ! plus, he probably has the best medical support possible so I won’t be surprised if he makes it to 100 honestly
  13. 1 point
    Minority rules in the 21st century
  14. 1 point
    My thoughts exactly. Are you my long lost twin?
  15. 1 point
    Harry Glickman, one of the founders of the NBA's Portland Trail blazers, had died at the age of 96.
  16. 1 point
    “One of the last”. Lol. Guarantee we’ll be hearing that for at least 20 others.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    The name is fine but could the byline be changed from 'Shipman' to 'Allegretto Minuetter' please? Thanks GUB
  19. 1 point
    But what I don't get is why people (especially twitter) are clearly more upset about a statue of a man who was into slavery than companies who still do it. Clearly proves that Britain is so 'racist' that you'll have to go back 100 years to find something you don't like about it when really we are one of the most diverse and generous countries in the world towards immigrants. But if we REALLY didn't like slavery, why don't we try and push for it to be banned in the modern world? Instead of signing a petition to get the statue removed (which is pretty much just an issue of honouring a dead slaver) why don't we sign petitions on modern day slavery? I mean the left says they're woke but I bet most of them still consume big corporate brands like Nike with no second thought to the damage they are doing to the third world. Surely if we are talking slavery then that should be our main concern?
  20. 1 point
    But if you are more outraged by a statue than by companies that initiate slavery/child labour in this day and age then you're probably a hypocrite. Why is everyone complaining about a bloody statue? Oh yeah, because virtue signalling about it makes them feel morally superior.
  21. 1 point
    Actually pissed that Little Britain has been pulled. I have a dream that we can one day live in a world where snowflake opinions are ignored and we can all live in harmony.
  22. 1 point
    Are we sure he's still alive here? Or is his corpse being reanimated in this photo?
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    I have already voted but is there anyone on the list actually in any danger of dying?
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