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An Fear Beag


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I also noticed Tom Smothers is on my list. He should be replaced by Willie Mays who was my first substitute.

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11 minutes ago, Captain Hemlock said:

Good luck to everyone!


Thanks, @Captain Hemlock! For you, too!

Great to see you here. ;)

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1 hour ago, Captain Hemlock said:

I see the rosters are all loaded. I was pleasantly surprised to see @An Fear Beag allowed my pick of Sammy Basso, as I was afraid he'd run into the FFBI category. Good luck to everyone!


59 minutes ago, Captain Hemlock said:

I also noticed Tom Smothers is on my list. He should be replaced by Willie Mays who was my first substitute.


Thanks for the heads up on Tom Smothers. I knew I was missing a pre-race faller, but I couldn't think who it was. Willie Mays is in.


I did give some thought to Sammy Basso before allowing him. In the end I decided that he qualifies under rule 5.3 (the Vicky Phelan rule) which allows people "who have become activists or otherwise achieved a reasonable level of fame for reasons related to, but not confined to, their illness." There is a reasonably high bar for that - Cancer mums with a tik-tok channel (or whatever they are called) are out. But Sammy seems to be a world-wide spokesperson for HGPS, which is good enough for me. 

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On 04/01/2024 at 21:31, Toast said:

Off to an early start again :(


On 04/01/2024 at 19:02, TQR said:


Well that was fucking worthwhile then.


On 04/01/2024 at 19:48, Torva Messor said:

Glynis Johns


They die in haste, I repent at leisure.

At least she wasn't my Joker.


On 04/01/2024 at 20:06, Pedro67 said:

Well at least I wont be waiting till November for a first hit this year. Mike Sadler has gone 


Don't worry too much about it - you are not alone: 15 players has Glynis Johns. 


It could be worse:

You could be the unfortunate player who Jokered Glynis Johns

You could be the unfortunate person who Jokered Derek Draper

You could be the person who picked Draper AND Johns.

You could be the one who Jokered Draper and picked Glynis Johns.


Or you could be the dumb fuck who went to the trouble of looking up who the oldest Knight of the Order of the Garter was, as he would be an interesting oldie pick, only for Frank Kitson to peg it on January 2nd :evil:. And who also added SAS veteran Mike Sadler who croaked it 2 days later:banghead:

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Glynis Johns died early but I always keep my oldies who survive as a tradition so it was going to happen one of those days.


Jacques Delors also snuffed it after I put my team in, but luckily I had subs listed with my team. 


Annoyingly, there's rumblings elsewhere on this forum that my pick Oscar Quitak might have died in late December but not seen it confirmed yet. 

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I admit my 2024 death pool lists are about volume and not points, as I devised a reward system weighted by the size of my lists (the shorter the list, the bigger the reward).  Even if my entire list died in January I'd have set some points-independent legend and accrued enough personal rewards to not care about the impossibility of topping the ranks with points.

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4 hours ago, msc said:


Jacques Delors also snuffed it after I put my team in, but luckily I had subs listed with my team. 



AAAGGGHHHHH - I'm a fucking idiot. THAT'S the other pre-race faller I couldn't remember.

I had a short list written down of picks who died early, but I lost the list. I knew there were 4 names on it, but couldn't think who the last one was. Back to work!

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4 hours ago, An Fear Beag said:






Or you could be the dumb fuck who went to the trouble of looking up who the oldest Knight of the Order of the Garter was, as he would be an interesting oldie pick, only for Frank Kitson to peg it on January 2nd :evil:. And who also added SAS veteran Mike Sadler who croaked it 2 days later:banghead:

As you quoted my post, I thought I was the dumb fuck for a minute there :). As no Kitson for me, I’ll take semi dumb fuck. 

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58 minutes ago, Pedro67 said:

As you quoted my post, I thought I was the dumb fuck for a minute there :). As no Kitson for me, I’ll take semi dumb fuck. 

Nope. That was definitely me :angry:

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OK then - the List of Players is up, the List of Picks has been double checked (and is probably still wrong!) and it is all posted up on Page 1. I think we are finally ready to rock.


Many thanks to everyone who entered. In particular, thanks to anyone who submitted early, and to everyone for submitting the teams in an easy-to-process format. It made for a relatively stress-free Christmas/New Year, and means that the pool is ready to go a full 10 days earlier than last year. Your help on this is very much appreciated.


We have a new record number of teams, with 65 teams entered in total, an increase of 8 on last year. A warm welcome to the 12 new players:

@Captain Hemlock, @Funeralopolis, @Ghostofchristmaspast, @Imelda, @MalePoster, @Prophet, @Shamalka Amarasekera, @Sod's Law, @ThereWillBeDeaths7, @WillyWonka422, @Yvonneand @Zsa Zsa's leg

We lost 4 players from last year: Chickencobra who has disappeared off the forum, JoeyRuss who said that he was not playing any pools this year, Superstar (formerly WhenThe), and @ImNotHadeswho is trying to convince us all that he has a life outside of this forum – yeah right!


In total, there were 748 different valid picks, of which 522 were unique picks. That compares to 713 picks and 526 uniques last year. The drop in uniques was partly due to the fact that players concentrated on the big name picks more than in previous years. Jimmy Carter broke the record for most  popular pick ever, with no fewer than 30 teams selecting the seemingly immortal ex-president. Esther Rantzen was not far behind with 28 picks, Jonnie Irwin had 27 and James Whale 26.

The team of most popular picks is made up as follows:

BRUCE WILLIS (14 picks)

DICK VAN DYKE (11 picks)



EVE MARIE SAINT (10 picks)


FRANK FIELD (21 picks)


GLYNIS JOHNS (15 picks)

JAMES WHALE (26 picks)

JIMMY CARTER (30 picks)


JONNIE IRWIN (27 picks)

JUNE SPENCER (14 picks)

LINDA NOLAN (17 picks)



POPE FRANCIS (11 picks)

ROB BURROW (21 picks)

ROBERTA FLACK (25 picks)


STEVE McMICHAEL (19 picks)

TOBY KEITH (14 picks)


YOKO ONO (12 picks)


In contrast, Andy Taylor went from 22 selections in 2023 to 1 selection this year. Kate Keltie went from 10 picks last year to 2, Jane Godley from 9 to 3, Rhod Gilbert from 11 to 4, and Randy Jackson went from 11 picks to not being picked at all this year.



The Deadpooling Gods looked favourably on hosts this year after the carnage of late 2022.  From what I can see, only the following selections did not manage to make the starting line:


Jacques Delors

Margaret Stuart Barry (Marked dead on Wikipedia, although details are sketchy)

Maureen Flavin Sweeney

Qapik Attagusiak

Ryan Minor.


There are suggestions that Oscar Quitak is also dead, but in the absence of anything solid, he stays for now. Let me know if I have missed anyone else.



Last year, the “Who The Fuck Are They” award was shared among 3 of @chel's various obscure Russian scientists.  This time around, it is like deja-vu, all over again. Chels team had a core of Russian scientists and “Academicians”, so obscure that when they walk down the corridor of their own institution, people nudge each other and say “who’s that old guy muttering to himself”.  As I did last year, I promoted any of the subs who had “normal” fame like actors and writers, and filled the remaining slots with the slightly more famous of his scientists (“slightly” is doing a lot of heavy work in that sentence). You know a pick is obscure when they are winning the WTFAT award for the second year running, and this year award is given jointly to two of last year’s recipients:

Vladamir (VV) Boldyrev – Siberian Chemist

Yuri Kirilliovich Tolstoy – Russian Law Professor


Chel has been warned that this is the last year that Russian Professors will be accepted, unless they have done something REALLY noteworthy.



I put the names of rejected picks into a file named “Without Exceptional Prominence” (or WEP for short).  Last year was a record with 11 rejections, but congratulations – you have exceeded it this year with 13. I hope you are all proud of yourselves:angry:


They were as following:


Joe De Angelo (ZSA-ZSA’S LEG) – Rejected under the “No Criminals” rule. Seems like a fairly high profile serial killer in the US, but my missus has never heard of him so he is gone.


Bruce Murray (WEP) – I don’t care if he is part of the “Home and Away Family”. He is a cameraman on a soap, and that does not spell famous to me.


Claire Sacco (WEP) – A TikToker with cancer. The “with cancer” bit is, by all accounts, the source of her “fame”. OUT


Jonathon Mills (WEP) – submitted as a “Cricketer”. Which means he has scored a century for his local village second XI. If Stephen Fry had not invited him to Lords, we would never have heard of him, and that is how it should have been. OUT


Kellie Finlayson (WEP) – better known to everyone, including her family, as “Wife of AFL star Jeremy Finlayson”. I really don’t know why I bother posting the rules every year.


Gerald Pizzuto Jr. (WEP) – criminal. RTFR RTFR RTFR RTFR


Tylee Kraft (SALMON MOUSSE) – Junior College Footballer. If you are going to submit college footballers, you better be able to show an article or two that doesn’t use the words “cancer” or “terminal” in it.


Jim Waddell (SALMON MOUSSE) – the “Clallam Public Utility District Commissioner”. A civil servant, and a very low ranking, boring one to boot.


Sean Wallace (SALMON MOUSSE) – Assistant coach Southern University football team. College Coaches are not automatically ruled out, but they better be the head coach, and it better be a high-profile college. Fail on both counts


 And then there is Chels list.:facepalm:


Dmitriy Kharkevich (CHEL) – Russian Pharmacologist – also rejected last year, and you will be stunned to read that his fame has not increased very much since then.


Dosmukhamed Kshibekov (CHEL). Last year he jointly won the WTFAT award as a Kazakh Geologist. This year, the Russian Wiki link I was sent called him a Kazakh Philospopher, but also calls him “Dosmukhamed Krzybekov” at one point, so I’m fucked if I know what is going on.


Revaz Gamkrelidze (CHEL) – Russian Mathematician


Vladimir Marchenko (CHEL) – Ukrainian Mathematician



A few other names scraped in:


Sammy Basso – transcends the FFBI rule, IMHO.


Bobby “Rocket” Hehir – Ice Hockey Player who was drafted by the Boston Bruins, and who played professionally but never at NHL level. My first instinct was to disallow him. However, I would allow footballers who had never played in the Premier League, so I don’t think the lack of an NHL career should necessarily rule him out. He does seem to have quite a reputation in the Worcester, Massachusetts area, so he just about makes it.

Interestingly, if you google “Bobby Hehir Ice Hockey”, the Hares Dead Pool 2024 now comes up in the first page of results! We are famous!


Joye Lee-McNelis – I think I must have been in a good mood when I allowed her in. Head coach of the University of Southern Mississippi Women's Basketball team. She is the Head Coach, and has been for the past 20 years, and that’s why I let her in. On another day, I might have said no.


Isabella Dryden – a “Canadian Educator”. OK, she is just a teacher. But she was teaching Computer classes at the age of 102! If any of you guys are doing that when you are that age, I’ll let you in too.



So, on with the game, and best of luck to everyone, not least the poor buggers who are among the 748 names picked!

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My surprisingly mainstream team, posted for my own googling purposes:


Alan Greenspan (joker)

Manel the Island Man
Corey "Homicide" Williams
Dikembe Mutombo
Michael Tilson Thomas
Jason Smith (councillor)
Frank Field
Rick "Black Bart" Harris
Andrea Gibson
Wade MacLeod
Steve Mongo McMichael
Charlotte Raven
Cale Yarborough Esther Rantzen
James Whale
Jonnie Irwin
Josip Manolic
Roberta Flack
Franz Beckenbauer
Glenis Redmond
Paul Vachon
James C. Floyd
Simon Cowell (SOS Wildlife)
Graham Caveney
Zhang Lixiong
Tom Stafford



Esther Rantzen

Dennis Skinner

EC Stilson

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Franz Beckenbauer a hit for me and others. Also on my list is recent hospice entrant Brian Barczyk. Yeah, I suck at this pool.

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On 08/01/2024 at 16:00, An Fear Beag said:

OK then - the List of Players is up, the List of Picks has been double checked (and is probably still wrong!) and it is all posted up on Page 1. I think we are finally ready to rock.


Many thanks to everyone who entered. In particular, thanks to anyone who submitted early, and to everyone for submitting the teams in an easy-to-process format. It made for a relatively stress-free Christmas/New Year, and means that the pool is ready to go a full 10 days earlier than last year. Your help on this is very much appreciated.


We have a new record number of teams, with 65 teams entered in total, an increase of 8 on last year. A warm welcome to the 12 new players:

@Captain Hemlock, @Funeralopolis, @Ghostofchristmaspast, @Imelda, @MalePoster, @Prophet, @Shamalka Amarasekera, @Sod's Law, @ThereWillBeDeaths7, @WillyWonka422, @Yvonneand @Zsa Zsa's leg

We lost 4 players from last year: Chickencobra who has disappeared off the forum, JoeyRuss who said that he was not playing any pools this year, Superstar (formerly WhenThe), and @ImNotHadeswho is trying to convince us all that he has a life outside of this forum – yeah right!


In total, there were 748 different valid picks, of which 522 were unique picks. That compares to 713 picks and 526 uniques last year. The drop in uniques was partly due to the fact that players concentrated on the big name picks more than in previous years. Jimmy Carter broke the record for most  popular pick ever, with no fewer than 30 teams selecting the seemingly immortal ex-president. Esther Rantzen was not far behind with 28 picks, Jonnie Irwin had 27 and James Whale 26.

The team of most popular picks is made up as follows:

BRUCE WILLIS (14 picks)

DICK VAN DYKE (11 picks)



EVE MARIE SAINT (10 picks)


FRANK FIELD (21 picks)


GLYNIS JOHNS (15 picks)

JAMES WHALE (26 picks)

JIMMY CARTER (30 picks)


JONNIE IRWIN (27 picks)

JUNE SPENCER (14 picks)

LINDA NOLAN (17 picks)



POPE FRANCIS (11 picks)

ROB BURROW (21 picks)

ROBERTA FLACK (25 picks)


STEVE McMICHAEL (19 picks)

TOBY KEITH (14 picks)


YOKO ONO (12 picks)


In contrast, Andy Taylor went from 22 selections in 2023 to 1 selection this year. Kate Keltie went from 10 picks last year to 2, Jane Godley from 9 to 3, Rhod Gilbert from 11 to 4, and Randy Jackson went from 11 picks to not being picked at all this year.



The Deadpooling Gods looked favourably on hosts this year after the carnage of late 2022.  From what I can see, only the following selections did not manage to make the starting line:


Jacques Delors

Margaret Stuart Barry (Marked dead on Wikipedia, although details are sketchy)

Maureen Flavin Sweeney

Qapik Attagusiak

Ryan Minor.


There are suggestions that Oscar Quitak is also dead, but in the absence of anything solid, he stays for now. Let me know if I have missed anyone else.



Last year, the “Who The Fuck Are They” award was shared among 3 of @chel's various obscure Russian scientists.  This time around, it is like deja-vu, all over again. Chels team had a core of Russian scientists and “Academicians”, so obscure that when they walk down the corridor of their own institution, people nudge each other and say “who’s that old guy muttering to himself”.  As I did last year, I promoted any of the subs who had “normal” fame like actors and writers, and filled the remaining slots with the slightly more famous of his scientists (“slightly” is doing a lot of heavy work in that sentence). You know a pick is obscure when they are winning the WTFAT award for the second year running, and this year award is given jointly to two of last year’s recipients:

Vladamir (VV) Boldyrev – Siberian Chemist

Yuri Kirilliovich Tolstoy – Russian Law Professor


Chel has been warned that this is the last year that Russian Professors will be accepted, unless they have done something REALLY noteworthy.



I put the names of rejected picks into a file named “Without Exceptional Prominence” (or WEP for short).  Last year was a record with 11 rejections, but congratulations – you have exceeded it this year with 13. I hope you are all proud of yourselves:angry:


They were as following:


Joe De Angelo (ZSA-ZSA’S LEG) – Rejected under the “No Criminals” rule. Seems like a fairly high profile serial killer in the US, but my missus has never heard of him so he is gone.


Bruce Murray (WEP) – I don’t care if he is part of the “Home and Away Family”. He is a cameraman on a soap, and that does not spell famous to me.


Claire Sacco (WEP) – A TikToker with cancer. The “with cancer” bit is, by all accounts, the source of her “fame”. OUT


Jonathon Mills (WEP) – submitted as a “Cricketer”. Which means he has scored a century for his local village second XI. If Stephen Fry had not invited him to Lords, we would never have heard of him, and that is how it should have been. OUT


Kellie Finlayson (WEP) – better known to everyone, including her family, as “Wife of AFL star Jeremy Finlayson”. I really don’t know why I bother posting the rules every year.


Gerald Pizzuto Jr. (WEP) – criminal. RTFR RTFR RTFR RTFR


Tylee Kraft (SALMON MOUSSE) – Junior College Footballer. If you are going to submit college footballers, you better be able to show an article or two that doesn’t use the words “cancer” or “terminal” in it.


Jim Waddell (SALMON MOUSSE) – the “Clallam Public Utility District Commissioner”. A civil servant, and a very low ranking, boring one to boot.


Sean Wallace (SALMON MOUSSE) – Assistant coach Southern University football team. College Coaches are not automatically ruled out, but they better be the head coach, and it better be a high-profile college. Fail on both counts


 And then there is Chels list.:facepalm:


Dmitriy Kharkevich (CHEL) – Russian Pharmacologist – also rejected last year, and you will be stunned to read that his fame has not increased very much since then.


Dosmukhamed Kshibekov (CHEL). Last year he jointly won the WTFAT award as a Kazakh Geologist. This year, the Russian Wiki link I was sent called him a Kazakh Philospopher, but also calls him “Dosmukhamed Krzybekov” at one point, so I’m fucked if I know what is going on.


Revaz Gamkrelidze (CHEL) – Russian Mathematician


Vladimir Marchenko (CHEL) – Ukrainian Mathematician



A few other names scraped in:


Sammy Basso – transcends the FFBI rule, IMHO.


Bobby “Rocket” Hehir – Ice Hockey Player who was drafted by the Boston Bruins, and who played professionally but never at NHL level. My first instinct was to disallow him. However, I would allow footballers who had never played in the Premier League, so I don’t think the lack of an NHL career should necessarily rule him out. He does seem to have quite a reputation in the Worcester, Massachusetts area, so he just about makes it.

Interestingly, if you google “Bobby Hehir Ice Hockey”, the Hares Dead Pool 2024 now comes up in the first page of results! We are famous!


Joye Lee-McNelis – I think I must have been in a good mood when I allowed her in. Head coach of the University of Southern Mississippi Women's Basketball team. She is the Head Coach, and has been for the past 20 years, and that’s why I let her in. On another day, I might have said no.


Isabella Dryden – a “Canadian Educator”. OK, she is just a teacher. But she was teaching Computer classes at the age of 102! If any of you guys are doing that when you are that age, I’ll let you in too.



So, on with the game, and best of luck to everyone, not least the poor buggers who are among the 748 names picked!

Can we see the List of 748 names picked 


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47 minutes ago, Shamalka Amarasekera said:

Can we see the List of 748 names picked 


See the list on page 1.


And next time please don't quote the whole post, thanks in advance :)

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3 hours ago, ThereWillBeDeaths7 said:

See the list on page 1.


And next time please don't quote the whole post, thanks in advance :)

Iam sorry....tnx

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Abdul Taib Mahmud - Malaysian politician and Sarawak CM, 87, frail health, widely rumored to suffer from colon cancer :dead: 21 February 2024

Ahmed Taleb Ibrahimi - Algerian dissident and politician, 92, housebound and frail for years

Alfredo Karam (Brazilian politician born 1925) - Suprised he isn't on the "Who the feck are they" list. Brazilian admiral, 98, very frail :dead: 9 September 2024

Ben Cayetano - Hawaii governor, 84, aneurysms, COPD, heart failure

Beverly LaHaye - homophobic US activist and widow of Tim LaHaye, 94, heart issues, declining health in the last two years :dead: 14 April 2024

Chalong Pakdeevijit - Thai producer and director, 92, gravely ill last year

Clio Maria Bittoni - Italian first lady, 89, on oxygen last year

Colin Jeavons - UK actor, 94, "looking frail a few years ago" according to Ulitzer in 2020.

Jaakko Valtanen - Finnish general, 98, frail,too ill to attend the annual independence day reception last year :dead: 17 January 2024

James Woolsey - US former CIA director, 82, said to suffer from advanced dementia

Jim Lovell - US astronaut, 95, said to be extremely frail

Kwong Siu-hing - HK billionaire, 94, ill/frail health for a decade

Ma Shitu - Chinese author, 108, cancer and ill health :dead: 28 March 2024

Moses Ali - Ugandan general, 84, massive weight loss in the last year, said to be gravely ill last month

Moshe Sternbuch - Israeli rabbi, 97, on oxygen for years with apparent heart issues

Paul Vachon - Canadian professional wrestler, 86, brain tumor and other ailments :dead: 29 February 2024

Sen Sōshitsu XV - Japanese tea master, 100

Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah JOKER - Kuwaiti royal, 97/98, in ill health for the last 17 years atleast :dead: 12 August 2024

Solihin GP - Indonesian general, 97, frail health :dead: 5 March 2024

Swami Smaranananda - Indian monk leader, 94/95, unknown illness that makes him weirdly swollen :dead: 26 March 2024

Tin Oo - Burmese general, 96, paralyzed from a stroke in 2017 :rip: 1 June 2024

V. S. Achuthanandan - Indian politician, 100, dementia and other ailments

Violeta Chamorro - Nicaraguan former president, 94, osteoporosis, brain tumors, dementia, everything

Wang Xiji - Chinese aerospace engineer, 102, hospitalised for two or three years

Zhang Lixiong - Chinese general, 110, spent seemingly the last year in ICU :rip: 2 April 2024



Umayalpuram K. Sivaraman - Indian musician, 88, frail, rumored cancer

Irenaios Archbishop of Crete - 90 with ALS and dementia combo

Tahar Zbiri - Algerian general and Wilaya commander, 94, bedbound since severe covid bout in 2020 or 2021.

Following gcreptile's example here's my team that I've named "people you've likely never heard of and would live your life without hearing if it wasn't for the wonderful Deathlist Forum".  Some added notes on who they are and why I picked them if someone wants to try their luck with a name or two in the Cup.


Drops from last year:

Alexandro do Nascimento

David Musuguri (Completely forgot this guy)

Jimmy Carter (I thought I had him on the list, but apparently I didn't)

Oscar Wyatt, Peter Angelos, Roberta Flack, Samson Burke, Linda Nolan


Those who I didn't choose:

Hiroshi Kagawa

Bobby Manna (Chance of dying off-radar, maybe?)

Jayapataka Swami, Alexander Mitta (Seemed too possible they'll die at the start of the year)

Alexander Prokhanov (massively obese with heart problems but just too active)

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On 29/12/2023 at 11:14, BuffaloPhil said:

Currently stuck in the Isle Of Man due to adverse weather conditions. Should be home in the early hours of Sunday so will spend most of the day deathlisting!

No better place to be stuck a most beautiful island 

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My list 


































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16 hours ago, Yvonne said:

No better place to be stuck a most beautiful island 


Not so great when it's blowing a hoolie and pissing down with rain! But yes, it's lovely when the weather is good!

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I have been here for years and have never done a team.


I just have a morbid fascination and sometimes you learn interesting things about celebs you never heard of.


The Death List is almost as productive as the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (Death Row).


I keep an eye on that too but mostly from a professional point of view :)


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On 16/01/2024 at 03:05, SalmonMousse said:

I have been here for years and have never done a team.


I just have a morbid fascination and sometimes you learn interesting things about celebs you never heard of.


The Death List is almost as productive as the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (Death Row).


I keep an eye on that too but mostly from a professional point of view :)


Well if you do ever decide to put in a team, please please please change your user name. Two Salmon Mousse's would be every pool host's nightmare. 

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Do you want an update? Of course you do. Who doesn't enjoy laughing at players getting scoreless hits, or getting 3 hits in January for bugger all points:D. All the while smugly convincing yourself that you are just storing up potential hits, all of whom will score big points in the last quarter of the year. 


Well you will be disappointed on the first one. No January 1st hits this year to sneer at. The best we can manage is my January 2nd hit of Frank Kitson. So just for the record, I was the first leader of this pool, holding a 1 point lead after day 2 of the race!


After a thankfully quiet end to 2023, there was carnage in the first week of 2024, with 2 of the most popular picks dying, along with well-supported Derek Draper. This is who I have so far- let me know if I have missed anyone.


January 2nd: Frank Kitson

January 4th: Glynis Johns

January 4th: Mike Sadler

January 5th: Derek Draper

January 5th: Mario Zagallo

January 7th: Franz Beckenbauer

January 10th: Roy Battersby

January 13th: Joyce Randolph

January 14th: Brian Barczyk


And so to the first official scoreboard of the year. 35 players out of 65 have had at least 1 hit. 4 Jokers have already been hit, with @Etushispushingupdaisiesand @theoldladycashing in early on Derek Draper, @etib80playing theirs a day earlier with Glynis Johns, and @Torva Messorjokering Joyce Randolph.


The Randolph joker gives Torva Messor the lead early on. Not ideal, but as @Dying Probablyshowed last year, playing the Joker early is not necessarily the kiss of death. After strong finishes for the past few years, @wannamakeris out of the blocks early this time around, with 3 down by the end of the first fortnight to lie in second place. @RadGuymakes up the first, and most pointless podium of the year.  


Here is the scoreboard of everyone with a hit. If you really feel the need to see yourself with 0 points beside your name, the full scoreboard is on page 1.


Torva Messor (27 points) 2 hits

[Glynis Johns, Joyce Randolph*]

Wannamaker (22 points) 3 hits

[Brian Barczyk, Franz Beckenbauer, Glynis Johns]

RadGuy (19 points) 2 hits

[Brian Barczyk, Franz Beckenbauer]

Book (16 points) 2 hits

[Joyce Randolph, Mario Zagallo]

WhoamI (15 points) 2 hits

[Glynis Johns, Joyce Randolph]

Etushispushingupdaisies (14 points) 2 hits

[Derek Draper*, Franz Beckenbauer]

GooseberryCrumble (12 points) 1 hit

[Joyce Randolph]

Etib80 (12 points) 2 hits

[Franz Beckenbauer, Glynis Johns*]

Imelda (10 points) 2 hits

[Derek Draper, Franz Beckenbauer]

Salmon Mousse (9 points) 1 hit

[Roy Battersby]

Thatcher (9 points) 1 hit

[Roy Battersby]

ZZZ - Boring Predictable Team (9 points) 2 hits

[Franz Beckenbauer, Glynis Johns]

The Old Lady (8 points) 1 hit

[Derek Draper*]

Nantonian (8 points) 2 hits

[Derek Draper, Mario Zagallo]

Hell (7 points) 2 hits

[Derek Draper, Glynis Johns]

DeathBecomesThem (6 points) 1 hit

[Franz Beckenbauer]

Gcreptile (6 points) 1 hit

[Franz Beckenbauer]

JoeMoneypenny (6 points) 1 hit

[Franz Beckenbauer]

Sean (6 points) 1 hit

[Franz Beckenbauer]

YoungOne (6 points) 1 hit

[Franz Beckenbauer]

Drol (4 points) 1 hit

[Mario Zagallo]

Funeralopolis (4 points) 1 hits

[Derek Draper]

GrimUpNorth (4 points) 1 hit

[Derek Draper]

John Key (4 points) 1 hit

[Derek Draper]

An Fear Beag (4 points) 2 hits

[Frank Kitson, Mike Sadler]

Captain Chorizo (3 points) 1 hits

[Glynis Johns]

Death By Arsenic (3 points) 1 hit

[Glynis Johns]

Diego (3 points) 1 hits

[Glynis Johns]

LizLemon (3 points) 1 hit

[Glynis Johns]

MariNisia (3 points) 1 hits

[Glynis Johns]

Msc (3 points) 1 hit

[Glynis Johns]

Pedro69 (3 points) 1 hits

[Mike Sadler]

The Old Crem (3 points) 1 hits

[Glynis Johns]

Toast (3 points) 1 hits

[Glynis Johns]

TQR (3 points) 1 hit

[Glynis Johns]

Tracey (3 points) 1 hit

[Glynis Johns]




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Jaakko Valtanen died on the 17th. I fully forgot I picked him.

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1 hour ago, An Fear Beag said:

Well if you do ever decide to out in a team, please please please change your user name. Two Salmon Mousse's would be every pool host's nightmare. 


Not that it would help much but I originally wanted a "The" in front of my username but there's someone who has never actually participated in the forum squatting on that username... so just imagine if this non-entity decided to rise from the grave and join the pool too

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58 minutes ago, Salmon Mousse said:


Not that it would help much but I originally wanted a "The" in front of my username but there's someone who has never actually participated in the forum squatting on that username... so just imagine if this non-entity decided to rise from the grave and join the pool too


I think AFB's referring to the DDP.

But your DDP team name doesn't have to be your DL name.



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