Even if it works at first, going through chemo makes it almost certain that the cancer will come back at some point, and more aggressive than before. The pharmaceutical industry loves it.
Oh, so the evil pharmas don't wanna cure you (even if they could), they intentionally make you ill again, cause this way they can make more money off you. Business > Human lives, hah?
Except not really. The fact is, when one chemo regimen doesn't work anymore, the second line treatment would consist of different drugs (likely made/sold by another company, so no money for the "evil pharma"), or if these have also failed, you'd receive end-of-life care (=no chemo) and soon die. And: I could also mention the possibility that if there was only one rogue pharma selling "real cancer cure drugs", everyone would be buying from them ($$$) and all others would go bankrupt (win!+more $). So sadly, those just don't exist.
Rob Ford's initial chemo+radiation treatment achieved its goals (prolonging his life by a year) and his tumours could be resected (while they would have been inoperable otherwise), only the "second round" was ineffective (after he relapsed). Chemo can sometimes cause secondary cancers years after the first, but if I were Ronnie, I'd worry about the primary cancer and my ability to see my children grow up now. (And it's not like he couldn't afford a good quality wig if he lost his hair.)