Ok, I can post a first Top Ten, but this is all very preliminary.
Many good teams are probably still missing (Bucket of Blood, Crossing The Styx, etc....)
And the Drop 40 and unique hits aren't out yet.
Once they are all out and Spade has it all set up, I'll expand the Top Ten to a Top Twenty, but I first need to include these new teams. Hopefully, they don't have a lot of completely new names...
1. Still Life - 155,488
2. The Love Boat - 153,931
3. Thomas Jefferson Survives - 152,023
4. To Kill a Gabor Sister - 150,915
5. Day in the Death - 150,369
6. GUN away - 147,5025
7. GUN fishing - 146,6905 - hmm...
8. Drollercoaster - 146,5655
9. The Living End - 146,275
10. Poochie Died on the Way Back to his Home Planet - 145,5165
At this early stage, the scores are higher than they were at the same stage last year, by about 10 points.