Ping, an Emperor of Han China, died aged just 14 on this day 2,012 years ago.
He became Emperor at the age of 9 in 1 BC after his predecessor and cousin Emperor Ai, who was a homosexual man, died heirless aged 28, and his lover, Xian Dong *snort*, was forced into suicide not long after. A close associate of Ai's family, Wang Mang, seized real power whilst Ping was actually the young emperor, and is said to have gradually slaughtered most of Ping's family. After marrying Wang Mang's daughter, overcoming health ailments and becoming wise to Wang's ruthless tactics to retain power, his standing up for himself didn't really go that well after his pepper wine was spiked and he died of poisoning a couple of weeks later. As a happy ending, the throne remained vacant for three years...but then Wang ultimately usurped the rights to it in the year 8. The bastard.