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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/18 in all areas

  1. 8 points
    "...[DeathList] is pretty bullshit" Unilad - Jan 2017 "Unilad was pretty bullshit - for the short time it was around that is" - DeathList - Oct 2018
  2. 6 points
    Nobel Prize laureates aged 85+: (Age calculated at the beginning of 2019) Physics: 1957: Tsung-Dao Lee, 92 1957: Chen Ning Yang, 96 1969: Murray Gell-Mann, 89 1972: Leon Cooper, 88 1972: Robert Schrieffer, 87 1973: Leo Esaki, 93 1973: Ivar Giaever, 89 1974: Antony Hewish, 94 1975: Ben Mottelson, 92 1977: Philip Warren Anderson, 95 1978: Arno Penzias, 85 1979: Sheldon Lee Glashow, 86 1979: Steven Weinberg, 85 1987: Karl Alexander Müller, 91 1988: Jack Steinberger, 97 1990: Jerome Isaac Friedman, 88 1996: David M. Lee, 87 1997: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, 85 1999: Martinus Veltman, 87 2000: Herbert Kroemer, 90 2000: Žores Ivanovič Alfërov, 88 2002: Masatoshi Koshiba, 92 2002: Riccardo Giacconi, 87 2005: Roy Glauber, 93 2009: George Elwood Smith, 88 2013: Peter Higgs, 89 2013: François Englert, 86 2014: Isamu Akasaki, 89 2017: Rainer Weiss, 86 2018: Arthur Ashkin, 96 Chemistry: 1967: Manfred Eigen, 91 1980: Paul Berg, 92 1980: Walter Gilbert, 86 1982: Aaron Klug, 92 1986: John Charles Polanyi, 89 1986: Dudley Herschbach, 86 1990: Elias James Corey, 90 1991: Richard Ernst, 85 1992: Rudolph Marcus, 95 1995: Paul Crutzen, 85 1996: Robert Curl, 85 2008: Osamu Shimomura, 90 2010: Akira Suzuki, 88 2013: Martin Karplus, 88 Literature: 1993: Toni Morrison, 87 2013: Alice Munro, 87 Peace: 1973: Henry Kissinger, 95 1980: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, 87 1984: Desmond Tutu, 87 1990: Michail Gorbačëv, 87 2002: Jimmy Carter, 94 Medicine: 1962: James Dewey Watson, 90 1977: Roger Guillemin, 94 1977: Andrew Viktor Schally, 92 1978: Werner Arber, 89 1978: Hamilton Smith, 87 1981: Torsten Wiesel, 94 1986: Stanley Cohen, 96 1992: Edmond Fischer, 98 2000: Paul Greengard, 93 2000: Eric Kandel, 89 2002: Sydney Brenner, 91 2008: Luc Montagnier, 86 2012: John Gurdon, 85 2015: William C. Campbell, 88 2015: Tu Youyou, 88 Economics: 1987: Robert Solow, 94 1990: Harry Markowitz, 91 1998: Amartya Sen, 85 1999: Robert Mundell, 86 2002: Vernon Smith, 91 2006: Edmund Phelps, 85 2005: Robert Aumann, 88 2009: Oliver Williamson, 86
  3. 3 points
    Once Prince Phil dies The Queen is going to hook up with Sir David and they will go and live on the Galapagos Islands until the sun rises in the West.
  4. 3 points
    Ben Daglish, one of the greatest game composers of the 1980s, has died suddenly at 52. Most famously did the soundtrack for "The Last Ninja" on the C64. But what's more important is that this is yet another retro-gaming obit picked up by the Metro, so it seems like any of the big names of the 1980s home computing era are in play for the DDP.
  5. 3 points
    The only time a living centenarian's been dropped from the DeathList was Ruby Muhammad, a complete nonentity whose inclusion was a flukey decision to begin with. Livvie and the rest of the current 100 club are only leaving DL via coffin.
  6. 2 points
    I believe Prophet has Escheverria this round.
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    Juan Romero, the hotel busboy who aided a mortally wounded Robert Kennedy, has died. He was 68. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/juan-romero-busboy-who-aided-wounded-robert-kennedy-dies-68-n916751?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma
  9. 1 point
    For National Poetry day, I'd like to profess my love for the Haiku. The art of 5-7-5 syllables is harder than it sounds. Or, as John Cooper Clarke once put it: To freeze the moment In seventeen syllables Is very diffic
  10. 1 point
    The government denies that Duterte has been in hospital: https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1767552/Manila/Palace-shoots-down-rumors-about-President-Rodrigo-Duterte-being-in-hospital Then the man himself admits it: https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1767606/Manila/Local-News/After-Palace-denial-Duterte-admits-going-to-hospital But it's nothing serious and he will definitely announce any serious illness.
  11. 1 point
    Unilad goes into administration owing £6 million. The fact that it is the second-largest publisher in terms of Facebook traffic is scary. The fact that the #1 publisher, LadBible, was set up by exactly the same person is even worse.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Suppose so. Seems healthy presently. And is immortal.
  15. 1 point
    Dont frighten us like that!
  16. 1 point
    He could - like - test that volume on the big bollock by knocking one or two out - if it deflates then...happy days!! I'm pretty sure my dad told me the man used to knock them out at will in his 70s heyday
  17. 1 point
    His oldest child - the aforementioned Conscientious Objector - was born in 1922. If not for those German POWs risking their life, my entire branch of the family tree wouldn't exist. Funny thing, perspective!
  18. 1 point
    I wonder if She is the one In that other poem Who says "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple".
  19. 1 point
    IIRC, when I did the list of names who were on the list but died off it, there were only 3 other names who were 96 and older but weren’t on the list who died. I feel like once you reached that age, you’re on the list till the day you die...
  20. 1 point
    That one ages me ^^^^ doesn’t seem 20 years at all, more like half that
  21. 1 point
    My Great Uncle was born in July 1926 and was too young too fight.In Britain conscription age was 19.Another Great Uncle of mine born in January 1925 said he was 3 years older and was accepted into the navy at 16.
  22. 1 point
    If only there were some sort of image search function on the internet this would be so easy.
  23. 1 point
    Pik Botha has been in hospital recently: https://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/apartheid-era-minister-pik-botha-admitted-to-hospital-20180927 Edit: Still a good prediction from MPFC.
  24. 1 point
    The final act for Roddy McDowall on this day 20 years ago, aged 70.
  25. 1 point
    You realise by doing this you're effectively offering yourself up as DDP gamerunner from 2020 right?
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