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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/02/20 in all areas
7 points
5 pointsOk, let's try. Not as formal as the previous photos but I think it looks quite fun. Back row from left unknown, Great Great Aunt Clara, unknown front row Great Aunt Evelyn {there is a small possibility she is still alive}, Great Uncle James. Evelyn was born in 1923 and emigrated to Canada in the 50s. I have never met her. We do know she was still with us a decade ago as she was in touch with another family member but after that we don't know. That side of the family tend to be quite long living so maybe. Got mixed u with who was who. It's the lady in the middle who is my great-great aunt Clara. She died in 1932 we can probably date the photograph to around 1930. I'm not sure who the ladies flanking her are probably her daughters.
4 pointsSad. I'd go as far as to say that Fade Into You might have been the greatest five minutes of the mid 90s.
4 pointsThis is my great-great-great-uncle. All I know is that he was a bit crap with money, a trait my brother has inherited in abundance. I realise I’ve cheated a bit as it’s not an actual photo but oh well. And there might be another great in there. I need to check with my dad but he’s asleep, deaf and forgetful.
3 points
3 pointsI would have knocked three times on the ceiling. And twice on the pipes.
3 pointsMy Gr-Grandfather John Edward Cole and his family circa 1924. My Grandfather (John George) is back right with my Grandmother (Kate Duncan Anderson) in front of him and my father (Richard Anderson) on her knee. John Edward Cole and his wife Margaret Duncan were presented a Viennese walk clock as a wedding present in 1894 which is still in my possession.
3 pointsHere is 4 generations of my family (c.1910). They were engineering pioneers in Bristol. They essentially changed the working conditions for ship engineers in Bristol by starting a union there. Youngest is my great grandad. Oldest is my great x4 grandad. From left to right - James H.E Flowers (1884-1944) James A. Flowers (1905-1984) Charles H Flowers (1834-1916) James G.E Flowers (1861-1943)
2 points
2 pointsReporter Justin Hinton from N. Carolina presenting a live weather report after unwittingly switching on Facebook's 'Mystery Mask' filter. John Kettley would never have done that! (and nor would Wincey Willis).
2 pointsok....random boy(who I have never met) returns from half term holiday in Northern Italy last weekend. His father(who now expects that school to go on lock-down tomorrow(Holmfirth...watch tomorrows news) works with my wife. He breathes all over her monday to tuesday....she breathes all over me monday to tuesday. We both breath all over my daughter who is off to Houston friday. My wife and I are sneezing currently (could be man - flu...but who knows?) . I predict MAJOR outbreak in USA Southern states approx first week in March ? You need to factor this in I feel....any 100 year olds who are vaguely famous currently residing near Houston ?
1 pointThis thread is for those, like myself, who like old photos of long dead family members. Would be really interesting to see some old photos (maybe include the year the photo was taken and perhaps a little story). Bonus points if you upload any photos from the 19th century. However this thread is not just limited to old photos (even though for me personally that is the fascinating part). If you have a photo of a dead family member from recent times then you may post it too, assuming you have a cool story to go with it. I'll start...
1 pointMichael Fish, though ....
1 pointyes this is the joint best year in death list history along with the year 2000.Can't complain about that ! If we continue at the current rate there will be 24 hits by the end of the year.Maybe that's a bit optimistic, but I have a feeling we will break the record of 17 hits ! I predict the biggest death of the year will be Prince Philip !
1 point
1 pointOf course the odds that we keep up at the same pace steadily decrease as every time someone dies, the remaining pool shrinks. I do have a feeling that this year will beat the odds though
1 pointOne theory is that the star emitted a giant gas cloud into our direction. (How rude!)
1 pointMaybe she has bought a nice new black coat and her opportunity to wear it is receding...
1 point5TH UPDATE May hits Tim Conway Sprent Dabwido Tommy Donbavand Bob Hawke Roz Petterson Im Pei Jean Vanier Herman Wouk June Hits Ellen "Dolly" Gibb Franco Zefirelli Mark Waraka Helen Legh Beth Chapman Maria Giuseppi Robucci July Hits Christopher Booker Johnny Clegg Sutopo Purow Nugroho Joe Kadange John McCirrick August Hits Harley Race Alf Smith Kathleen Blanco Fred Rister Sheila Steafal Valerie Harper Septembers Hits Beloved Poster Mugabe Chris Duncan Fernando Ricksen Jose Jose Leah Bracknell October Julie Gibson November Clive James December Gershon Kingsley January John Andretti Chris Doleman Tom Long Terry Jones February Diane Serra Cary Kirk Douglas Katherine Johnson In this update Kirk Douglas-Bibliogryphon,Book,Bou1,FixedBusiness,GreatUncleBulgaria,markb4,theoldlady,TheQuimReaper,TheUnknownMan,WormFarmer Chris Doleman-DeathImpends,GCR,JoeyRuss,Msc,RadGuy Julie Gibson-markb4 Tom Long-Banana,CaptainChorizo,CloroxBleachman,DeathImpends,drol,GCR,GrimUpNorth,JiroemonKimura,JoeyRuss,Msc,RadGuy Clive James-CloroxBleachman,FixBusiness,theoldlady,YoungWilz Terry Jones-GooseberryCrumble,TheQuimReaper, YoungWilz Gershon Kingsley-TorvaMessor John Andretti -Banana,GrimUpNorth,RadGuy Katherine Johnson-markb4 Diane Serra Cary-The OldCrem 5th Scoreboard 1st place DeathImpends-2615 2nd place TorvaMessor-2381 3rd place GUN-2330 4th place TheOldLady-2320 5th place CloroxBleachman-2236 6th place RadGuy-2191 7th place TheQuimReaper-2105 tied 8th place CaptainChorizo-2035 tied 8th place Banana-2035 10th place Wormfarmer-2030 11th place JoeyRuss-2011 12th place Book-1980 13th place tied FixedBusiness-1880 13th place tied YoungWilz-1880 15th place Msc-1790 16th place Gcreptile-1726 17th place Markb4-1660 18th place TheOldCrem-1435 19th place Drol-1430 20th place Jiroemon Kimura-1336 21st TheUnknownMan--1296 22nd place Bou1-1160 23rd place Bibliogryphon-1105 24th place tied GreatUncleBulgaria-870 24th place tied GooseberryCrumble-870 26th place ebless-770 If I missed any names or point totals lemme know
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 pointSimon Coencas, le dernier survivant des adolescents qui ont decouvert la grotte de Lascaux en 1940, est décédé à l'age de 93 ans. https://www.lefigaro.fr/culture/deces-de-simon-coencas-dernier-survivant-des-adolescents-decouvreurs-de-lascaux-20200202
1 pointMichou, le roi des nuits parisiennes is dead! 1st french point for 2020 but so sad!!
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