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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/20 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    I'm sure we will. Might even have a prize like....... Fourth place a Coronavirus test Third place, a hospital bed Second a hospital bed with a ventilator First a hospital bed with a nurse, and a working ventilator.
  2. 3 points
    Secondary child? Is that like, one you don’t really like as much as the first?
  3. 3 points
    Well after the Jack Black post the other day. This was probably not in doubt.......
  4. 3 points
    You are right. They won't have to resort to crime to pay for their drugs
  5. 2 points
    I just had this feeling in me water that you would say something along those lines!
  6. 2 points
    Again, I absolutely would. Fearne, not Charlie.
  7. 1 point
    What's the deal with all these babies being 'welcomed'? What's it mean? Is there like an open-topped bus parade or summat, flags & bunting? Or something more low-key, like a Maitre d' saying 'welcome'?
  8. 1 point
    Portugal football player and manager Dito died at 58 years after heart attack: https://www.record.pt/futebol/futebol-nacional/liga-nos/gil-vicente/detalhe/morreu-dito-diretor-do-gil-vicente-e-antigo-internacional-portugues?ref=HP_DestaquesPrincipais
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Massive twat and also footballer, I suppose, Neymar has the virus.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Twitter reporting the death of anarchist activist/theorist/anthropologist David Graeber, who coined the term "the 99%" during his time in Occupy Wall Street and wrote the 2018 best-seller Bullshit Jobs on the theory that 2/3 of all jobs have no reason to exist.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Vain little slag.
  15. 1 point
    Don't laugh, this is how I've found out we got a new poet laureate a few months ago and it's Simon fucking Armitage. Aye, obviously Sutcliffe's obviously a cunt for the whole killing lots of women bit (albeit a batshit insane cunt) but he couldn't have got away with at least half of those murders if not for the helping hand of societal prejudices, police incompetence, and that hoaxing wanker, the latter of which I equally blame for the deaths of his last three victims.
  16. 1 point
    Makes it easier to work out the August player of the month! Anything below 32 points is gone.
  17. 1 point
    Virginia Bosler, who debuted on Broadway as Jean MacLaren in the original cast of Brigadoon, later repeating the role in the film adaptation, has died. She was 93. https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/BRIGADOON-Original-Cast-Member-Virginia-Bosler-Passes-Away-at-93-20200901
  18. 1 point
    Watched all 3 parts of this in the past week, having missed it last year. Although I'm familiar with the case, it predates me by a few years and I wasn't aware of the length of time he was at large or the hysteria he instilled. Absolutely terrifying, but what became clear was that West Yorkshire Police were criminally incompetent throughout, seeking to paint all the women in the worst possible light, taken in by a hoax tape and missing or failing to follow up on vital evidence. I don't tar all police with this brush, the head of Northumbria Police (home of Wearside Jack) had great misgivings on the veracity of the tape and its lack of inside information and the South Yorkshire Police in Sheffield who checked his number plate, realised it was fake, pulled him over and, having arrested him for soliciting, then went back and discovered the hammer and knife he had dropped, deserve immense credit - when asked how they'd caught him, he remarked to the press 'good old-fashioned coppering'. (I am of course aware that South Yorks would have their own date with disgrace a decade later when Hillsborough happened.) Really interesting watch though: 'The Yorkshire Ripper Files', available on BBC iPlayer if you're so inclined.
  19. 1 point
    So, the current poet laureate wrote a book at the end of the last century called All Points North - a wonderful meditation on all things northern written in fragments. In the opening section - Where You're At - he discusses some typically northern goings on then has some fun by saying the north is where so and so meets so and so; using the unlikely pairings to tease out common northern qualities. Eg: the north is where Bernard Ingham meets Prince Naseem Hamed (the implication being their both combative, stubborn and unused to defeat. A minor jaw dropper in this litany is the suggestion that the north is where David Hockney meets Peter Sutcliffe. Assuming he's not outing Hockney as a murderer the only useful meaning you can draw from that is that he's acknowledging the artistry of Sutcliffe.
  20. 1 point
    I think the one at the front is actually one of Boris’.
  21. 1 point
    1) Prince William dies in a horror helicopter crash 2) We leave the EU with No Deal 3) Covid mutates and the second wave mainly affects the young with a death rate of about 20%. 4) Trump wins the US election 5) A video emerges on YouTube from the Ghislaine Maxwell evidence of Prince Andrew shagging Virginia Giuffre and the sweat is pouring down his back and into his arse crack like the Mississippi river - everyone feels obliged to watch it but The Queen refuses to denounce him publicly leading to riots in London against the royal family and Buckingham Palace is trashed.
  22. 1 point
    Still think it should be a national holiday
  23. 1 point
    It still baffles me that people are impressed that she persuaded lots of kids not to go to school. Surely most kids would jump at any excuse.
  24. 1 point
    Greta Thunberg is 17 today! Presumably no confetti or party hats involved.
  25. 0 points
    Bullet Bob himself has now died. Surprised he lasted that long
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