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This polling. Company does have a reputation through for being rather eccentric in what findings it produces.

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The polls have been all over the place since Farage has entered the election but that poll is bollocks.

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Probably another Arron Banks job he's sharing.


In other news, a poll commissioned by Carla Denyer's mum suggests the Greens are on course for a 500-seat majority.

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Oh, and Craig Williams (Rishi No-mark's PPS who bet hundreds of pounds on a July election 3 days before it was announced) has gone and got his close protection officer arrested. The offcer is being looked at by the gambling commission and Williams himself is under investigation.


(EFA; ADHD brain muddled me words up)

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2 minutes ago, TQR said:

Oh, and Craig Williams (Rishi No-mark's close protection officer who bet hundreds of pounds on a July election 3 days before it was announced) has been arrested.

It’s not him who has been arrested. It’s a unnamed police officer who has been arrested. Craig Williams  is his PPS who admited  betting but is still in post and running for re electon in Wales. . 

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9 hours ago, Bibliogryphon said:



I know Crispian very well and consider him a friend but I was quite surprised by this turn of events. He is utterly disenchanted with the Conservatives but he's never struck me as a typical Reform candidate. I always wish him well in his endeavours and I actually think he would make a really good MP based on his various skill sets, but I declined his request to support his campaign on Facebook. Its the one big rule I have on Facebook, no politics. 

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Been noticing a sea of red placards in peoples gardens even in solidly Tory areas like Matlock and Buxton. Only the Labour candidate has even bothered sending me any campaign literature so far. 

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I've only had literature from Labour (who are looking like serious challengers this time) and some independent I've never heard of.

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6 minutes ago, TQR said:

I've only had literature from Labour (who are looking like serious challengers this time) and some independent I've never heard of.

The Shanks, Shanksy, Shanksy Boy, Shanksdabidozie - yeah the guy who won the by-election here for Labour has sent me his literature, but nobody else so far, though I still say it's early for that nonsense.


I was going to email him to see if Labour would be repealing the Voter ID rules, but as I was about to do so, Starmer came on the tellybox saying they were going to review the rules. (Fucking wishy washy response in my view, just do it).


Also, I have noted that the Labour manifesto doesn't contain any pledge to assassinate Norman Tebbit. (But if Sunak is right as on tax pledges, not ruling it out means that's precisely what they will do!). :lol:

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21 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:



That'll be an awful lot of candiates getting that call then.......



Whether a few of those candidates, used to a secure life in a safe Tory haven will unleash their frustration and fury within earshot of the press, is another question


Very strange times indeed, eh?

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Jonathan does it again: Pie v Farage - beautiful. Amen.

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9 hours ago, Sod's Law said:

Been noticing a sea of red placards in peoples gardens even in solidly Tory areas like Matlock and Buxton. Only the Labour candidate has even bothered sending me any campaign literature so far. 

That's a surprise- having lived in the High Peak - the area around Glossop is a known Labour stronghold but is certainly more blue as you head out to Whalley, Chapel en Le Frith and Buxton. 


Rishi was in Torridge yesterday- a 25k majority normally but clearly they're worried. Anyone under 20k is pretty well nailed on to go two weeks tonight.

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7 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:


Jonathan does it again: Pie v Farage - beautiful. Amen.

"Liz Truss in human form."



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Such Trumpian bollocks. Supermajority......  


Labour could in theory do all that with a one seat majority.......

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36 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Such Trumpian bollocks. Supermajority......  


Labour could in theory do all that with a one seat majority.......

So we are expected to forget Voter ID?


Reduction in the number of seats in Scotland and Wales?


It is bollocks - rather like Gove's features. He's not even standing and he's being shipped out as a saviour of the party.

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1 hour ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:


Sky also reporting she's married to the Party's director of campaigning 


Laura Kunersberg has tweeted that the Tory Party director of campaigning has taken a leave of absence effective yesterday. 

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2 hours ago, Philheybrookbay1 said:

That's a surprise- having lived in the High Peak - the area around Glossop is a known Labour stronghold but is certainly more blue as you head out to Whalley, Chapel en Le Frith and Buxton. 


Rishi was in Torridge yesterday- a 25k majority normally but clearly they're worried. Anyone under 20k is pretty well nailed on to go two weeks tonight.

Glossop feels like a colony of Manchester in Derbyshire so it makes sense in their case, but Buxton feels like a different world completely so seeing the red placards there was quite something. Doing a count in my own town, I counted ten Labour signs and one Reform UK. In Matlock it's a mix of Labour and Lib Dems. No Tory signs in sight anywhere.

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Iannucci has somehow gotten on to the Tory Social media team. That's the only plausible explanation at this stage right unless........




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The only place I have seen a Tory placard is on the A47 at the B6047 junction where there is one for Alicia Kearns (Rutland and Stamford) but there is a Reform one right next to it


If the Tories lose Rutland then there is no point in it existing.


I used to live in the old Rutland and Melton constituency but I think it ended up in Charnwood with the boundary changes

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Image of Laura Saunders from November 2023, the Tory accused of cheating by gambling on the election date. The signs were there as I am sure that's the gravy train arriving at the station.



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54 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:



Such Trumpian bollocks. Supermajority......  


Labour could in theory do all that with a one seat majority.......



*chefs kiss*






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