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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/21 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    not sure he’ll obit, i wouldn’t risk it
  2. 2 points
    Aye, and there's still winter for him to get even more popular. Theresa May was fecked for nearly a year and they couldn't shift her. Anyhow, I can confirm that whisky is great, and Boris Johnson is still a cunt. As you were.
  3. 2 points
    Wait till Carrie realises she married Bozo & turns on him, it'll be a bloodbath.
  4. 2 points
    And Blowjo is spoilt for choice over which family to spend more time with
  5. 2 points
    Thomas W. Horton (wiki) dead just short of 102.
  6. 1 point
    Comic book author Don Asmussen for the List of the missed: https://www.kqed.org/news/11898750/well-miss-you-don-asmussen
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Tomorrow is Richard O'Sullivan day yesterday, i.e. today. Actually make that tomorrow is Richard O'Sullivan day the day before yesterday, i.e. yestreday, as its just turned midnight. Or simply, Askwith's tweet is dated 9 Dec, so RO'S day would be the 10th. It would appear you're right about the cricket though. Thank god there's no Aussies frequenting these boards these days.
  9. 1 point
    Or the musicals guy. Who knew such a common name would be so common?
  10. 1 point
    Are you sure they didn't mean Willy Russell author of Blood Brothers?
  11. 1 point
    Just to note the reaction to this one, @Bibliogryphon, I think Banana means the American sports star, not our Sir William. Although the actor William Russell is also much frailer now than he was pre-lockdown and would probably make a good DL pick, alas.
  12. 1 point
    it's a no-brainer as - from what I gathered from Sunday newspaper reports earlier this year - there are kids from his second marriage who barely speak to him and his ex-missus (a serious lawyer) did a proper number on him in court by way of snagging a chunk of the hefty post prime ministerial earnings he hopes to trouser (assuming he keep his kecks on, that is). Is it just me or have the press missed a sizeable issue re that party a year back. It was wall-to-wall with the underpaid aids and the like, right? The ones who don't earn that much and are reliant on public transport to get to and from work and likely travel some considerable distance to and from work - i.e. the people most likely to turn the event into a super-spreader if anyone there had been infectious were the core of the party crowd.
  13. 1 point
    I voted Tory in 2019 and I now am full of disdain and dislike of the fat oaf. When seeminy the whole country is united in visceral hatred of you there isn't really anywhere left to go apart from choosing too spend more time with your family.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Might be a run on Mickey Dolenz for 2022, then - and/or a Monkees vs Beatles survivor poll.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    His political position is clearly untenable.He is probably too narcissistic to have realised it yet. In deadpooling terms his premiership has stage 4 Pancreatic cancer.Could be this week this year next year or the year after but the fact remains his premiership is on borrowed time. People won't forget or ever let this go.Either his party will do a Thatcher on him or video or photo footage will emerge proving he is a liar.Either way there is no way out for him.The fact he is alleged to have been at one of the three parties being investigated out of a possible 7 and he is standing by his communications director who was not only at a party but gave out awards. The remainers hate him the left hate him many of his backbenchers hate him the press have turned on him largely and quite a few of his voters if polls are to be believed have turned against him.He is royally fucked.
  18. 1 point
    Again, maybe this is part of that Christmas miracle msc mentioned, but I quite agree. Starmer is weaker than a nun’s piss. He should be strongly and unequivocally calling out Johnson and his pack of cunts left, right and Chelsea. The corruption? Barely a word. The lying? Completely non-committal and didn’t stand up for stronger people like Dawn Butler who called it for what it was. The Christmas parties? He calls for an apology. An apology?! No, don’t call for a fucking apology. State plainly that everyone involved is an absolute prick, that they show utter contempt for the public and that they ALL need to be turfed out ASAFP and that you wish Johnson died when he had the chance a year and a half ago (meh, that one’s optional). That all being said, I’d still take Sirkeith over this rotten blancmange we call our PM any day of the week.
  19. 1 point
    I knew that this name sounded familiar to me. Thanks. 1921: Hans Albert / Evelyn Witkin 1922: Roland Dumas / Micheline Presle 1923: Rudolph A. Marcus / Ida Vitale 1924: mario Vagnetti / Jane Morgan 1925: Leo Esaki / Angela Lansbury 1926: David Attenborough / Helen Gallagher 1927: Harry Max Markowitz / Rosalyn Carter 1928: E. J. Corey /Ruth Westheimer 1929: Jürgen Habermas / Liz Sheridan 1930: Buzz Aldrin / Mary Quant
  20. 1 point
    With all due respects, not a lot of people under 40 know who he is. I didn't even know what gender he was till I googled him
  21. 1 point
    Dead. Susana Higuchi, that is.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    If he makes it to January 1st I assume MC Ren will be #1 on the list.
  25. 1 point
    Wow, just the one? Go to Menu > Account > Ignored Users, you can add Sir Creep whoever you want to block there.
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