A man and a woman meet in a bar and once they get talking they realise that they are both divorced.
"So what made you divorce?" the woman asks the man.
"I was a bit too kinky for my wife," he replied. "What about you?"
"Same, I was too kinky for my husband." They exchanged a knowing look and she said "I live just around the corner, would you like to come back to mine for a while?"
They got back to her place and she says, "Excuse me while I change into something a little less comfortable."
She came back a few minutes later in full leathers, mask, with a whip, chains and handcuffs. The whole shebang. Just as she got there he was heading for the door.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"Well I've fucked your dog and shat in your handbag so I'm kinda done."