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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Congrats to Bou on a great Cinderella run throughout the tourney, congrats to those who got Squonked, I'd like to thank Google News and my girlfriend writing a thesis leaving me with a lot of spare time at weekends to research. And fuck me, I have the taste of blood ready for DDP 2k20 now.
  2. 4 points
    And so the biggest Cup to date ends! We've had surprises, we had thrillers, we have giant killing runs (kudos Bou!) but in the end, the 2019 Deathlist Cup goes to SPADE COOLEY! You may all congratulate him. And that's us done! Thanks for enjoying/enduring...
  3. 3 points
    I'm almost as proud of my 82 (?) day run of no hits as I am of being in the final without a crushing defeat, although there's no shame in that v @Spade_Cooley Congratulations to the winner and many thanks to @msc for all his hard work, to @Sir Creep for advice and encouragement, and to everyone else who took part. It was fun!
  4. 2 points
    Depending on timing, then the last 3 DDP hosts have all wound up with girlfriends while hosting. An added job perk for any singles on here querying the role?
  5. 2 points
    Unfortunately still not how this pool works
  6. 2 points
    And now it’s time to prepare to be brutally defeated in the DDP compete with him in the DDP again.
  7. 2 points
    I like Billie Eilish for how unashamedly different she is. And this here is...terrifying, actually, but interesting. It works.
  8. 2 points
    Had to do a double take on tonight's score. FORT 5-2 Nairn HUZZA. 'Mon the Fort.
  9. 2 points
    Sir Creep (39) YoungWillz (10) Bibliogryphon (21) Great Uncle Bulgaria (18) A- Antsey, Bruce Arquette, David Alicia Alonso (2+3) Alicia Alonso (2+3) B- Barbara Barrie Bob Barker Betsy Byars Barry Briggs C- Clegg, Holly (NO OBIT) Chubby Checker Clark Carlise Cleary, Beverly D- Douthit, Angie (2+1939+Solo) Dion DiMucci Dickie Davies Douglas, Kirk (2) E- Etchegaray, Roger (3+Duo) Elizabeth Estensen Ewing, Winnie Ed Ames F- Freehan, Bill Frederick Forsyth Frankland, William (2) Farrar, John G- Gustav Gerneth (1+2) Gary Glitter Gustav Gerneth (1+2) Gustav Gerneth (1+2) H- Hal Halverson (Col.) Hal Holbrook Holm, Ian (2+Duo) Hunt, Marsha I- Iommi, Tony Ion Iliescu Ivory, James Ian Hunter J- Jose Jose (1+2+1939) James Earl Jones Juster, Norton James Earl Jones K- Kerslake, Lee Kenneth Kaunda Kenneth Kaunda Kathleen Blanco (1+1939) L- Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn M- McGrath, Bat (NO OBIT) Millicent Martin Michael Medwin (1+2+Duo) McGavin, George (BBC) N- Norm Coleman Nichelle Nichols Nichelle Nichols Newton-John, Olivia O- Ogilvy, David Ozzy Osbourne O'Farrell, Frank Ole Olsen (racing) P- Phil Phillips (NO OBIT) Pat Patterson Price, Leontyne Phillips, Leslie Q- Quayle, Anna (4+1939+Duo) Quayle, Anna (4+1939+Duo) Quant, Mary Quincy Jones R- Randy Romero (NO OBIT) Richard Roundtree Richard Rogers Rosalyn Carter S- Spicer, Jimmy (2+1939+Solo) Stephen Stills Stephen Sondheim Stiles, Nobby T- Taylor, Otis Tina Turner Ted Turner Trintignant, Jean-Louis U- Urquhart, Brian Uderzo, Albert (3) Urquhart, Brian Uwe Seeler V- Vento, Joe Victor Ortiz Vernor Vinge Vera Lynn (1) W- Willie Wood (1+2+Solo) Wim Wenders William Woollard Walker, Murray X- Xi Xi Xzibit Xi Jinping Xavier Becerra Y- Yeager, Chuck Yoko Ono Yarrow, Arnold Yoko Ono Z- Zion, Roger (NO OBIT) Zach Anner Zizi Janmarie (4) Zizi Janmarie (4) RadGuy (2018-19 CHAMP) (44) Yvonne (9) YorkshireBanker (27) Philip (16) A- Andretti, John (2+1939) Ackland, Joss Anne Baker Akihito, Emperor B- Bob Barker Burke Jr., Jack Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) Byrne, Gay (2+Solo) C- Carl Reiner (1+Solo) Champion, Marge Cleo Laine Carole Cook D- Doleman, Chris (2+1939) Douglas, Kirk (2) Daniels, Stormy DuBois, Barry E- Eden, Clarissa Eden, Clarissa Eaton, Bobby Ethel Kennedy F- Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Fenton, Leonard Furlong, Edward Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) G- Genesis P-Orridge (1+1939) Grant, Lee Gasciogne, Paul George Alagiah H- Harper, Valerie (2+1939) Hal Holbrook Howes, Sally Anne Holly Clegg (NO OBIT) I- Ion Iliescu Ivory, James Ivan Milat (2+1939) Irving, David J- James, Clive (2+1939) Johns, Glynis Johnny Beattie (1+Solo) James Buckley K- Kathleen Blanco (1+1939) Kissinger, Henry Katherine Johnson (1+Duo) Kathleen Blanco (1+1939) L- Lee Kerslake Lynn, Vera (2) Long, Tom (2+1939) Lee Kerslake M- Macy, Bill (2+Solo) Mercier, Sheila (2+Solo) Margaret Stuart Berry Marchand, Robert N- Noble, Lee Newhart, Bob Novak, Kim Norm Coleman O- Obama, Sarah Ono, Yoko Olivia de Havilland (1) Olivia de Havilland (1) P- Pete Sutcliffe Prince Philip Pei-tsun, Hau Pilla, Franca Q- Quinn, Carmel Queen Elizabeth II Quixall, Albert Quincy Jones R- Ray Reardon Routledge, Patricia Ricksen, Fernando (2+1939) Randy Romero (NO OBIT) S- Sam Lloyd (1) Shultz, George Stiller, Jerry (1+Solo) Sam Lloyd (1) T- Trintignant, Jean-Louis Tyson, Cicely Tanaka, Kane Tom Long (1+1939) U- Urquhart, Brian Unser, Bobby Ure, Gudrun Ursula Andress V- Vervoort, M. (2+1939+Duo) Van Dyke, Dick Vivian Pickles Violeta Chamorro W- Whang, Suzanne (2+1939) Walker, Murray Waterson, Norma Walter Mondale X- Xi Xi Xi Xi Xan, L'il Xaviera Hollander Y- Yeager, Chuck Yeager, Chuck Yeats, Ron Yegor Ligachev Z- Zemin, Jiang Zucker, David Zvi Zamir Zeliff, William Etushispushingupdasies (14) theoldlady (34) JiroemonKimura (50) Skinny kiltrunner (28) A- Alejandro Jodorowsky Alagiah, George Alex Trebek Alan Alda B- Bob Dole Bracknell, Leah (2+1939+Duo) Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) Bouteflika, Abdelaziz C- Clive James (1+1939) Clive James (1+1939) Constantino Chiwenga Constantino Chiwenga D- Doc Severinsen Dole, Bob Doleman, Chris (2+1939) Dickie Davies E- Evelyn de Rothschild Echeverria, Luis Echeverria, Luis Elizabeth, Queen II F- Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Flair, Ric Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Federico Fischer G- George Soros Greg Gilbert Gulpilil, David Gulpilil, David H- Hal Holbrook Harper, Valerie (2+1939) Hastings, Alcee Ho, Stanley (2+Solo) I- Ion Iliescu Ivan Milat (2+1939) Ivan Milat (2+1939) Ivan Milat (2+1939) J- Jean Louis Trintignant Jose Jose (1+2+1939) John Andretti (1+1939) Jasper Johns K- Kathleen Blanco (1+1939) King, Larry Kerslake, Lee Kerslake, Lee L- Lee Kerslake Loretta Lynn Lars Larsen (1+2+1939+Solo) Loretta Lynn M- Mikhail Gorbachev Moss, Stirling (2) Morawiecki, Kornel (2+1939+Solo) Michael Robinson (1+1939) N- Nobby Stiles Nakasone, Yashuhiro (2) Noble, Lee Nichelle Nichols O- Olivia Newton-John O'Connor, Sandra Day Obayashi, Nobuhiko (3) Orndorff, Paul P- Prunella Scales P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) Pat Patterson Q- Quincy Jones Quincy Jones Quinton Claunch Qaboos bin ... Said (4+Solo+1939) R- Robert Mugabe (1+Duo) Ricksen, Fernando (2+1939) Randy Romero (NO OBIT) Randy Romero (NO OBIT) S- Sheldon Adelson Stiles, Nobby Supernaw, Doug Sharadchandra Shrikhande T- Ted Kotcheff Tina Turner Tom Long (1+1939) Thuy Thanh Truong (NO OBIT) U- Ursula Andress Ure, Gudrun Urquhart, Brian Urquhart, Brian V- Valerie Harper (1+1939) Vera Lynn (1) Vergara, Jorge (2+1939+Solo) Veliaroutis, Leonidas W- Willie Nelson Wonder, Stevie Walter Mzembi Whang, Suzanne (2+1939) X- Xanana Gusmao Xi Xi Xernona Clayton Xi Jinping Y- Yoko Ono Young, Neil Yayi, Thomas Boni Yasuhiro Nakasone (2) Z- Zakk Wylde Zemin, Jiang Zec, Donald Zec, Donald DeathByArsenic (10) Joey Russ (45) Death Impends (42) gcreptile (49) A- Ackland, Joss Andretti, John (2+1939) Anthony, Ray Alcee Hastings B- Bouquet, Michel Bayh, Susan Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) C- Candido Camero Chris Doleman (1+1939) Cleary, Beverly Cowen, Brian D- Delors, Jacques Duncan, Chris (2+1939) Doleman, Chris (2+1939) Doleman, Chris (2+1939) E- Ed Sheeran Ed Genson (NO OBIT) England, Natasha Ed Genson (NO OBIT) F- Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) G- Gulpilil, David Gulpilil, David Gibson, Bob Gustav Gerneth (1+2) H- Hughes, Shirley Hastings, Alcee Harper, Valerie (2+1939) Hitchon, Nick I- Irving, James K. Ion Iliescu Ivan Milat (2+1939) Ivan Milat (2+1939) J- Jeanmaire, Zizi (2) James, Clive (2+1939) Jean-Louis Trintignant Jerry Sloan (1+1939+Solo) K- Klishna, Darya Kathleen Blanco (1+1939) Kerslake, Lee Kerslake, Lee L- Lonsdale, Michael Long, Tom (2+1939) Long, Tom (2+1939) Long, Tom (2+1939) M- Magre, Judith Milat, Ivan (1+1939) Mlangeni, Andrew (2+Solo) Michael Robinson (1+1939) N- Nichelle Nichols Noble, Lee Noble, Lee Noble, Lee O- Olivia Newton-John Obayashi, Nobuhiko (3) Olivia de Havilland (1) O'Connor, Krn (2+Solo+1939) P- Piccoli, Michel P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) Q- Quinn, Carmen Qassim, Ayatolla Isa Quentin Blake Quie, Albert R- Robert Marchand Randy Romero (NO OBIT) Randy Romero (NO OBIT) Randy Romero (NO OBIT) S- Suzuki, Akira Simoni, Luigi (2+Duo) Stiles, Nobby Supernaw, Doug T- Trebek, Alex Trebek, Alex Trebek, Alex Trintignant, Jean-Louis U- Uderzo, Albert (3) Ure, Gudrun Urquhart, Brian Urquahart, Brian V- Vernon, Anne Valerie Harper (1+1939) Volcker, Paul (2+Duo) Volcker, Paul (2+Duo) W- Weekes, Everton (2) Whang, Suzanne (2+1939) Whang, Suzanne (2+1939) Watson, James D. X- Xavier McDaniel Xan, L'il Xi Xi Xilai, Bo Y- Yeager, Chuck Yeager, Chuck Yasuhiro Nakasone (2) Young, La Monte Z- Zemin, Jiang Zoll, Rachel Zoll, Rachel Zoll, Rachel msc (45) Torva Messor (42) Book (39) Clorox Bleachman (38) A- Alex Trebek Anton Coppola (2+Solo) Andretti, John (2+1939) Andretti, John (2+1939) B- Blackmore, Stv (2+1939+Solo) Barbara Barrie Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) C- Chris Duncan (1+1939) Cleary, Beverly Coleman, Norm Crouch, Stanley D- Doleman, Chris (2+1939) David Dinkins Dole, Bob Duncan, Chris (2+1939) E- Ed Genson (NO OBIT) Earl Cameron (1+Duo) Echeverria, Luis Ewing, Winnie F- Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) G- Greg Gilbert Gustav Gerneth (1+2) Greg Gilbert Greg Gilbert H- Harley Race (1+1939+Solo) Hal Holbrook Harper, Valerie (2+1939) Harper, Valerie (2+1939) I- Ivan Milat (2+1939) Ivan Milat (2+1939) Ivan Milat (2+1939) Iris Apfel J- Jean-Louis Trintignant Jasper Johns Johnson, Katherine (2+Duo) James, Clive (2+1939) K- Kathleen Blanco (1+1939) Kenny Rogers (1+Solo) Kerslake, Lee Kaplan, Juliette (2+1939) L- Jean Marie le Pen Lee Kerslake Lynn, Vera (2) Lee Kerslake M- Michael Robinson (1+1939) Marge Champion Mills, Tony (NO OBIT) Moss, Stirling (2) N- Noble, Lee Nichelle Nichols Noble, Lee Noble, Lee O- Olivia de Havilland (1) O.J. Brigance Olivia Newton-John Obata, Gyo P- P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) Q- Quitak, Oscar Quentin Blake Quinn, Carmel Quentin Blake R- Randy Romero (NO OBIT) Randy Romero (NO OBIT) Randy Romero (NO OBIT) Reid, Bruce S- Simoni, Luigi (2+Duo) Sam Lloyd (1) Stiles, Nobby Susan Bayh T- Tommy Raudonikis Trebek, Alex Tom Long (1+1939) Trintignant, Jean-Louis U- Ursula Andress Uderzo, Albert (3) Uderzo, Albert (3) Ure, Gudrun V- Valerie Harper (1+1939) Valerie Harper (1+1939) Vervoort, M. (2+1939+Duo) Vera Lynn (1) W- Woodward, Joanne Wally Westlake (NO OBIT) White, Betty Whang, Suzanne (2+1939) X- Xingjian, Gao X. J. Kennedy Xan, L'il Xie Qimei Y- Yasuhiro Nakasone (2) Yazov, Dmitry (3+Solo) Yarrow, Arnold Yong-ju, Kim Z- Zec, Donald Zizi Janmarie (4) Zvi Zamir Zoll, Rachel The Old Crem (22) Sean (37) CaptainChorizo (52) A- Asner, Ed Andretti, John (2+1939) Andretti, John (2+1939) B- Bracknell, Leah (2+1939+Duo) Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) C- Crouch, Stanley Cleo Laine Clegg, Holly (NO OBIT) D- de Havilland, Olivia (1) David Gulpilil Doleman, Chris (2+1939) E- Elizabeth Kelly Everton Weekes (1) Epstien, Michael Anthony F- Fujimori, Alberto Frankland, William (2) Freehan, Bill G- George Alagiah Gastineau, Mark Goldberg, Denis (2+Solo) H- Hurd, Douglas Hugh Downs (1+Solo) Harper, Valerie (2+1939) I- Ian Holm (1+Duo) Irene Papas Illingworth, Ray J- Jackie Stallone Juliette Kaplan (1+1939) James, Clive (2+1939) K- Kathleen Blanco (1+1939) Kirk Douglas (1) Kaplan, Juliette (2+1939) L- Lorna Luft Lloyd, Sam (2) Lee Kerslake M- Moss, Stirling (2) Martin Peters (1+1939+Duo) Mugabe, Robert (2+Duo) N- Nobby Stiles Nigel Farage Noble, Lee O- Olivia Newton-John Olivia de Havilland (1) Obayashi, Nobuhiko (3) P- Poitier, Sidney Paula Tilbrook P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) Q- Quaid, Randy Quentin Blake Quintana, Rosita R- Ricksen, Fernando (2+1939) Rhonda Fleming Ricksen, Fernando (2+1939) S- Sam Lloyd (1) Sinead O'Connor Singh, Balbir Sr (2+Solo) T- Trebek, Alex Tony Britton (1+Solo) Theodorakis, Mikis U- Ursula Andress Ursula Andress Uljana Semjonova V- Vera Lynn (1) Valerie Harper (1+1939) Vitti, Monica W- Weekes, Everton (2) Walter Mondale Whang, Suzanne (2+1939) X- Xan, L'il Xabi Alonso Xan, L'il Y- Yoko Ono Young, Angus Yarrow, Arnold Z- Zuma, Jacob Zizi Janmarie (4) Zoll, Rachel Toast (25) Banana (39) Wormfarmer (22) A- April Ashley Anoa'I, Samula Alicia Alonso (2+3) B- Bowles, Stan Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) Blanco, Kathleen (2+1939) C- Carr, Pearl (2+Solo) Crawford, Johnny Cameron, Earl (2+Duo) D- Dole, Bob Dureau, Scott Duncan, Chris (2+1939) E- Etchegaray, Roger (3+Duo) Ellis, Peter (2+1939+Solo) Edwin Edwards F- Fernando Ricksen (1+1939) Fischer, Tim (2+1939) Frankland, William (2) G- Graeme Garden Gulpilil, David Gaston Glock H- Harper, Valerie (2+1939) Hastings, Alcee Hal Halverson (Col.) I- Ingrams, Richard Ivan Milat (2+1939) Ion Iliescu J- Juliette Kaplan (1+1939) Jose Jose (1+2+1939) Joni James K- Katherine Kent Kerslake, Lee Kenneth Kaunda L- Loretta Lynn Little, Samuel Lysak, John M- Morris, Jan Mihajlovic, Sinisa Michael Medwin (1+2+Duo) N- Nelson, Willie Noble, Lee Noreen Nash O- Ono, Yoko Olivia de Havilland (1) Otto, Jim P- Peters, Martin (2+1939+Duo) P-Orridge, Genesis (2+1939) Prescilla Pointer Q- Quaid, Randy Quie, Albert Quie, Albert R- Randy Romero (NO OBIT) Ricksen, Fernando (2+1939) Randy Romero (NO OBIT) S- Stiles, Nobby Strain, Julie Simonot, Renee T- Trintignant, Jean-Louis Trebek, Alex Tun Tin (NO OBIT) U- Ure, Gudrun Urquhart, Brian Urquhart, Brian V- Vera Lynn (1) Valerie Harper (1+1939) Varelli, Alfredo W- Walters, Barbara Williams, Kate Wally Westlake (NO OBIT) X- Xi Xi Xanthopoulos, Mikos Xishun, Bao Y- Yeager, Chuck Yoshiro Nakamatsu (2) Yong-ju, Kim Z- Zemin, Jiang Zemin, Jiang Zion, Roger (NO OBIT) As you can see I posted the names by the initial that mattered, as I found it far faster to glance and who had whom. You may find it the opposite and I apologise in advance if that is so. I figured this would help with scoring but that too may be backward thinking. I guess we shall see once this thing gets going, which given the names should be less than a week (are you listening, Randy Romero?). Obviously if I have posted a name in error, please let me know. I will try to update every couple of weeks, or as necessary if we have a particularly large amount of carnage or vice versa. I hope to keep up but DO throw me a bone if you someone has slipped through the cracks. Thanks for playing and best of luck to all! SirC
  10. 1 point
    Somebody on here has a girlfriend?
  11. 1 point
    Great win Spade and a great competition msc. I look forward to getting trounced again in 2020.
  12. 1 point
    And I had Juliette Kaplan, not Lee Kerslake. Somehow you got us mixed up?
  13. 1 point
    I had Lee Kerslake for K, not Juliette Kaplan
  14. 1 point
    Congratulations to Spade Cooley, clearly the cream of the crop in Cup play 2019. Bravo!
  15. 1 point
    Congratulations to Spade on a run well played!
  16. 1 point
    Congratuwelldone Spade! An encyclopaedic knowledge of flat-liners like that, no one else had a vague hope. Hearty round of applause to Bou for a frankly astounding debut season in the Cup. No hits record AND worthy finalist? Quite an achievement. And, of course, hats off to the inimitable msc on some top bollock hosting skillz. See you fuckers in the 2020 final!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Well that''s what I call bad luck. But highlights how important is to keep tabs on the more obscure picks the host might miss! That Bou, setting all sorts of new records. 99% sure that's the first time the universal deadpool rule of "host actually needs to see the obit" has done for someone in the Cup.
  19. 1 point
    https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/breaking-harold-prince-dead-broadway-18806602 RIP to a legend.
  20. 1 point
    Happy 72nd birthday Arnie
  21. 1 point
    I love Mama Cass! Great performer!
  22. 1 point
  23. 0 points
    Widely reported on Twitter that Lol Mason has died. He was frontman of City Boy ("5-7-0-5") and, more importantly, one of the all-time great one-hit wonder acts, The Maisonettes. RIP stage-hypnotist-looking bro.
  24. 0 points
    The grouse season is almost upon us. But anyway: Buster Bloodvessel Jack Nicklaus Hannah Gordon Pauline Collins John Alderton
  25. 0 points
    Valerie Harper - 5 (I don't see the top spot taken) Holly Clegg - 4 Brian Cowen - 3 Kane Tanaka - 2 Gigi Simoni - 1
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