Writing from one of those slum cities, people here are in some cases panicking (or at least loads of hoax WA messages going around), but because viruses degrade quickly in tropical air or direct sunshine, the indirect transmission is much slower (there is direct transmission, but there are many other diseases here too to worry about that are worse). It's almost like "the rest of the world is panicking so we better panic too". The far far bigger problem is that the tourism/travel sector has closed down, foreign investors are withdrawing, millions will be unemployed (most people have zero savings), and civil unrest on a large scale is likely to follow. I don't really see how the government can avoid this. We have a bolthole outside the city on the side of a volcano (let's hope it doesn't wake up and join in the fun), and we can stay here for months if needed. I can work remotely (assuming my UK head office doesn't go bust). Let's see what happens!