I'm waiting to post the full stats until I've seen everyone's teams in full, but this is easily the fastest that the first two deaths have been recorded in Scavenger Hunt. It's been 14 days since the game went live and it was 10 days old when Dame Diana died.
In Round 1, Donald Carr (cricketer) died after 12 days but the next death (Len Maddocks - cricketer) didn't arrive until 3 months had passed (game started in June, Maddocks died on September 2nd).
In Round 2, the game started in March but the first hit didn't arrive until the death of Charles Neville (Grammys) near the end of April (56 days later), while the second death (Joseph Campanella - Dallas) wasn't til mid-May (another 21 days later).
Off we go again!