Yep. This is how I see it going.
Johnson will be turfed out by a pro-Sunak cabal around February ‘22. Prime Minister Sunak will enjoy being a shiny new face for the press to coo over but nothing will change, public confidence won’t recover and we’ll have a hung parliament in the election that’ll happen near Christmas in ‘23, held a few months early because it’ll be heralded as the first Christmas without any rona restrictions (which the deluded bunch of Tory fuckers will claim as a success). Starmer will refuse to coalesce with other parties for a progressive alliance govt, he’ll be fucked out of there quicker than you can sing “Woahhh Je-re-my Corrrrrr-byn” and the PM/Labour leader will be selected by the cunts at the SNP, obviously subject to agreeing Indyref 2. That’ll be a ‘no’ again. Meanwhile, the Labour PM will lose the confidence of Labour members within a year or so, a new one will be selected (I’m thinking maybe Rebecca Wrong-Daily or similar) and, crumbling under the pressure of a coalition that’s breaking up thanks to the aforementioned angry nationalist fuckers, we’ll have another GE in 2025. We’ll all do our best Brenda from Bristol impressions and it’ll be ANOTHER hung parliament. As a result of being caught in this infinite loop of misery caused by a heady cocktail of crippling, lasting Tory & Brexit damage, a fragmented Labour leadership and a deeply unintelligent electorate, half the population will decide the most blissful option would be to kill themselves, the other half will make rafts out of their cadavers and row either to a tax haven or to New Zealand, depending on how they voted. Apart, of course, from crackhead Gove and his new, recently-widowed partner-to-hide-the-homosexuality Carrie and her two young, stuttering, messy-haired kids. They’ll stay put and reign supreme on whatever is left of this putrid little piece of Atlantic flotsam.
Put a fiver on it.