I can't speak for everyone else, but I shall share my own reasoning. As a American.
1. I gave a 'shocked' face, as it doesn't really trigger any other emotion from me. I am just surprised it happened.
2. Don Young was the current Dean of the U.S House. The man has had the same job since the 70's.
3. Young was planning to run for re-election. Previously stating something to effect of, 'He will run till he loses or dies'.
4. This throws Alaskan politics into a whirlwind, and as someone who follows politics closely, it will be interesting.
5. Despite being 88, he reportedly died randomly on an airplane. No health issues that I've been made aware of.
6. As a sitting Congress member, his death would be notable in any given year. In the currently razor-thin divided House, this may have a major impact.
Lastly, just because someone is not mentioned on this site....does not mean they don't have significance. Either from a world-wide perspective, national perspective, or even individual perspective. Stop being an ASS for no reason. You cunt.