I'm still waiting to hear from Theresa anything but Brexit as a policy stance. Keep waving the Union Jack love.
Yikes, just listening to her speech, she's said something else. Protect pensions from unscrupulous bosses? This has been an issue since Robert Maxwell, and you've done eff all. Cap energy bills? Everyone agrees that this will lead to a rise in bills, crikey your party slagged that off as Marxist only two years ago, now you complain that John McDonnell is Marxist?
Meantime, Corbyn is making a hash of re-stating Labour's long standing nuclear weapons policy. Emily Thornberry made a damn good job of patronising the Scots on the Edinburgh Question Time last night with her "we know best for you, stoopid Jocks" attitude.
Tim Farron - here's our policies for proudly boasting we will not win, but second would be good.
I'm with the guy on the street who was on the BBC news the other day who just despairs at the state of the lot of them.