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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Imagine if Dr T goes on to win the whole thing. Now that would be WWE style booking.
  2. 5 points
    A few hours ago, in light of the issues the PM limit caused here, I bumped the PM limit for members in general from 50 to 75. If problems continue, I'll likely further increase the limit specifically for deadpool runners.
  3. 4 points
    I have been diagnosed with a rare form of amnesia where I deny the existence of certain 80s bands. There is no cure.
  4. 3 points
    OK, so I've been brainstorming this as it did not make sense. Checking stuff with a friendly Admin who was as stumped. But through a series of experiments with Reptile, we have come to the bottom of the problem. On DL forum, and I have never seen this on any other forum... If you delete a PM to make space, then no reply to that PM will come to you. So what I imagine has happened is Dr T sent his team into this original invitation PM, but as there is a 50 PM inbox limit for non-Admins, and there's a fuck lot of you sending in stuff, I basically record info and delete the original to free up space. Having never assumed that would block PMs, because who would? So, two things. First, please welcome the reinstatement of @Dr_T, victim of a forum bug. Second, if you send in a team from now on please make it a new PM and not a reply to anything. Thanks.
  5. 2 points
    Only because of your post did I finally unterstand the scoring system...
  6. 2 points
    I think Patricia Routledge, who played Hyacinth opposite Clive Swift, should occupy the #50 spot for as long as necessary (if you know what I mean), after all it would be the best death Tagline in the history of deathlist......"Kicked the Bouquet!"
  7. 2 points
    18 hours and still no hits. This cup is starting extremely slow, and the fans are starting to get bored now...
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    Birmingham burglar who had sex with corpse jailed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-47093000
  10. 1 point
    Okay, I read Martian Time-Slip (and kind of want to read everything by him). The characters and their interactions were very well done, just a bit of a weakness in the plot. You kind of want more to be happening in there than there is.
  11. 1 point
    @Sir CreepI do! Photo taken near dug for authenticity. Have you been in my house?
  12. 1 point
    Vlad mate, we’ve already got the Star Wars one that you yourself started for fuck sake.
  13. 1 point
    Clive Swift is a hit here for @Handrejka from the film Frenzy. Fourth player to get a hit.
  14. 1 point
    You're referring to this, right?
  15. 1 point
    That's your Clive Swift dead.
  16. 1 point
    Predictions: 1. Tough to call but Pedro seems to have more terminally ill 2. Easily Maryport 3. Again tough to call but Key has more terminally ill people. 4. Probably the most side battle this round. 5. Tough call but I have a gut feeling mark will get through 6. Both teams are good but Banannas team is clearly the stronger of the two. 7. Skinny team is clearly the strongest of the two. 8. Sorry Time but I predict this will be one of the most one sided matches of this. Good job Alts obit guy 9. One of the strongest teams in this round vs one of the weakest. Go Clorix 10. Looks like the battle of the bastards is likely to become a reality 11. Both teams are fairly weak but Master Tech might score with Ginsburg 12. Hard to tell both teams are very strong but the Unknown man has more names I see being dead within a month 13. Torva has a good joker but The crem Reaper has more terminally ill names so I predict TCR will win 14. Both teams are weak but TQR has a better selection 15. Wormfarmers team appears to be the stronger of the two Strongest team. Spade Cooley Weakest team. Nationan 2013
  17. 1 point
    Thanks Deathers, good luck all! I'm sure you have a note of the Wildcards, not specified in the Masterlist.
  18. 1 point
    Masterlist Round One (Its Alphabetical except for the bits that aren't) * denotes Joker 1. George Alagiah – TUM, Wormfarmer 2. Alauddin Ali - Spade 3. Soeur Andre - Clorox 4. John Andretti – Mad Hatter 5. Le Duc Anh – Squonk, old lady, GUB, Phil, JMP 6. Paddy Basset – Banker 7. Barbara Barrie - Banker 8. Bob Barker – Wormfarmer, Time*, Tech 9. Susan Bayh - Skinny 10. Benedict XVI – Squonk, Crumble 11. Kathleen Blanco – TQR, Torva, Squonk, Wormfarmer, Skinny, maryport, FB, Mad Hatter, Bou, Pedro*, Key 12. Wolfgang Bosbach – Nantonian 13. Michael Bowie – JMP 14. Micah Bowie - Banana 14. Kate Bowler – GUB 15. Anne Boyle – Spade, Banana 16. Leah Bracknell – Mark, Biblio, TUM, Crumble, FB, Key*, Tech 17. David Butler – Nantonian* 18. Anne Buydens – Phil, Crem, Key 19. Paul Cain - Spade 20. Eric Caldow - Banker 21. Earl Cameron – Crumble, Phil 22. Edmund Capon – pedro, Banana, Dr T 23. Pearl Carr - JMP 24. Beth Chapman – Wormfarmer, FB, Key 25. Jacques Chirac - Crumble 26. Johnny Clegg – Exu, old lady, Bou 27. John Cocks – Torva 28. Norm Coleman - Skinny 29. Noel Conway – TQR, maryport 30. Tim Conway – Mark, TQR, old lady, Wormfarmer, maryport, Banker, Spade, Dr T 31. Bernard Cribbins - GUB 32. Doris Day - TUM 33. Javier Perez de Cuellar – TUM 34. Olivia de Havilland – Banker, Crem*, Tech 35. Frederick Dent – Nantonan 36. Ricky Dixon - Skinny 37. Bob Dole – Nantonian, Squonk 38. Beverly Cleary – Biblio, Crem, Tech 39. Pau Dones - Clorox 40. Kirk Douglas – Mark, Exu, titme 41. Chris Duncan – AO Guy 42. Freeman Dyson - Biblio 43. Clarissa Eden – Nantonian 44. Paul Flynn – TQR, Crem 45. Stuart Frazer - Bou 46. Alberto Fujimori – old lady 47. Robert Fyfe - Crumble 48. Jean (Grand Duke) – Mark 49. Jill Gascoine – Pedro, Tech 50. Tanya Gendle – Phil 51. Ellen Gibb - JMP 52. Julie Gibson – Mark 53. Jimmy greaves – Exu, Biblio 54. Gustav Gerneth – Trova, maryport, GUB, Dr T 55. Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Mad Hatter, Bou, Tech, Dr T 56. Valerie Harper - TUM 57. Bob Hawke – exu, Torva, Squonk, old lady, wormfarmer, GUB*, Bou, AO Guy 58. Stanley Ho - JMP 59. Mad Mike Hoare – Nantonian 60. Hal Holbrook – Time 61. Mark Howard – AO Guy 62. John Hume – Biblio 63. Clive James – Squonk, Key 64. Katherine Jackson – TQR, Phil*, Pedro, Tech* 65. Leonard Johnson - Pedro 66. WT Johnson - Phil 67. Grace Jones - Maryport 68. Walter Jones – Wormfarmer, Skinny*, Banker*, Bou, Clorox*, Spade, Banana* 69. Jose Jose – Biblio, Crem 70. Wafa Abdul Kadir - Banana 71. Kamala – Nantonian 72. Lee Kerslake – TUM, Skinny, FB*, Mad hatter, Bou*, AO Guy, Clorox, Crem, Pedro, Spade, Key, Dr T 73. Val Kilmer – TUM 74. Dilip Kumar - Key 75. Niki Lauda – exu 76. Rocky Lockridge - Clorox 77. Sydney Lotterby – time 78. Emily Levine – AO Guy 79. Karen Lewis – Skinny 80. John Leyton - TIme 81. Jeanne Little - Crumble 82. Norman Lloyd – Mark 83. Joe Longthorne - time 84. Loretta Lynn – Banker 85. Vera Lynn – Banker, Crem 86. John Manners – Exu 87. John McCririck – exu, old lady, 88. Andrew McGahan – TQR, Torva*, Wormfarmer, Skinny, maryport, Phil, Banker, FB, JMP, AO Guy, Clorox, Pedro, Key, Dr T* 89. Bat McGrath – Spade 90. Heather McLean (historian) - Banana 91. Sheila Mercier - Tiime 92. Stirling Moss – Biblio, Mad Hatter 93. Baron Moyne - time 94. Robert Mugabe – Old lady*, Key 95. Gerd Muller – Exu 96. Michael Murphy - Dr T 96. Walter Mzembi – AO Guy 97. Yasuhuro Nakasone – TUM 98. Thich Nhat Han – FB,Clorox 99. Giorgio Napolitano - TUM 100. Olivia Newton-John – TUM, Mad Hatter 101. Sutopo Nugroho – AO Guy 102. Des O’Connor – time 103. Randell O’Donnell – Bou 104. Philip Leo O’Reilly - Spade 105. Little Richard - JMP 106. Luis Palau – Torva 107. Manohar Parrikar – AO Guy 108. IM Pei - Biblio 109. Prince Philip – Mark ,FB, Crem 110. Leslie Philips - Phil 111. Genesis P-orridge – Biblio, Squonk 112. David Powlison - Banana 113. Marsh Pratley – Maryport, FB, Tech 114. Katie Price -Crem 115. David Prowse – Crumble 116. Bishop Francis Quinn – Key 117. Roberta McCain – Mark, Exu, Squonk, Tech, Dr T 118. Vanessa Redgrave – Crem 119. Sumner Redstone – Squonk 120. Johann Rehbogen – Banana 121. Harry Reid – TQR, Squonk, Crumble, Skinny, GUB, Mad Hatter, Bou 122. Fernando Ricksen – Nantonian, Exu*, TQR, Torva, Squonk*, old lady, Wormfarmer*, Skinny, maryport, Phil, Mad Hatter, JMP*, Bou, Clorox, Pedro, Spade, Banana 123. Fred Rister – Phil, Spade 124. Frank Robinson – Mad Hatter*, AO Guy*, Clorox, Spade*, Banana 125. Maria-Guiseppe Robucci-Nargiso – TQR*, Maryport, Pedr 126. Li Rui – old lady 127. Art Rupe – Crumble* 128. William Russell - Time 129. Samu – FB 130. Amit Shah - Crem 131. Grace Slick - JMP 132. Jimmy Spicer – FB, AO Guy, Dr T 133. Julie Strain - Torva 134. Nobby Stiles – exu, TQR, maryport, FB, Bou, Pedro 135. Kane Tanaka – Torva, Phil, Dr T 136. Peter Tobin - Banana 137. Ruthie Tompson – Mark*, Torva, Crumble, GUB 138. Peter Tork – old lady, GUB 139. Jean Louis Trintignant – TQR, Torva, TUM*, old lady, Wormfarmer, maryport, GUB, Banker, JMP, Pedro, Tech, Dr T 140. Bill Turnbull – Mark, Nantonian, Wormfarmer 141. Marieke Vervoort - Key 142. Johnnie Walker – Clorox 143. James Watson – Biblio*, Clorox 144. Joanne Woodward – Mad Hatter 145. Herman Wouk – Mark, Nantonian, Crumble, GUB, time, Tech 146. Hubert Zafke – Nantonian 147. Arnold Yarrow - Biblio
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    4 bombs have gone off in sweden in 24 hours. Media is radio silent both here and it's hardly being reported even in the swedish press. Mainly because by some miracle no one has been killed yet. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/sweden-bombing-crisis-four-explosions-in-24-hours/
  22. 1 point
    STATS AND FACTS The Inverse Dead Pool has seen its most robust participation rate yet, with 48 teams entered (+12 compared to last year). Like last year, no name was unanimously picked or excluded (3 teams at worst, 46 teams at best). The names to come closest to being unanimous picks were the Donald, Her Maj, and Gazza, who were only omitted by two teams each. CaptainChorizo left out Gascoigne, Sir Creep's daughter (whose team was picked by randomly choosing numbers) didn't land Trump or Elizbaeth, and msc's deliberate "take one for the team" excluded all three! The people's choice for 2019 is as follows, sorted by overall points, but with the amount of teams to plump for them also included. The top four remains identical to last year (last year's #5, Angela Lansbury, narrowly missed out on being selectable again). Trump may well start keeping copies of Inverse Dead Pool stats in the Oval Office considering how popular he is here! Name Total Points Total # of Teams 1. Donald Trump 1048 46 2. Queen Elizabeth II 988 46 3. Paul Gascoigne 972 46 4. Dick Van Dyke 838 43 5. Linda Nolan 777 42 6. Billy Connolly 750 43 7. Jimmy Carter 662 43 8. Betty White 540 40 9. Terry Jones 539 39 10. Doris Day 526 39 11. Ruth Bader Ginsburg 517 37 12. Marieke Vervoort 458 36 =13. Henry Kissinger 427 39 =13. Prunella Scales 427 34 15. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 378 34 16. Bill Turnbull 361 28 17. Prince Philip 352 34 18. Valerie Harper 347 32 19. Olivia de Havilland 330 32 20. Jimmy Greaves 307 26 21. Olivia Newton-John 282 25 22. Michael Robinson 257 24 =23. June Brown 235 23 =23. Greg Gilbert 235 25 25. Vera Lynn 228 25 The people's choice for 2018, if an actual team, would have finished at =8th place with 36 points. Carol Channing would've been a big landmine had she lasted a few more days... which names out of the above will follow suit and shake up the scoreboard this year? On the flip side, few anticipate this lot making it through 2019: Name Total Points Total # of Teams 1. Kathleen Blanco 25 3 2. Andrew Fairlie 38 3 3. Jean-Louis Trintignant 49 6 4. Lee Kerslake 59 7 =5. Johnny Clegg 64 7 =5. Andrew McGahan 64 5 7. Nobby Stiles 73 11 8. Fernando Ricksen 74 7 9. Herman Wouk 82 7 10. Clive James 85 12 Though it is worth noting that only half of last year's bottom ten actually died. And two of the survivors of that (Vervoort and Gilbert) are on over half of this year's teams!
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    No way does he look like he is 16 years old
  25. 1 point
    Tun tin. Cartoons cannot die. Besides, he needs to take care of Snowy. And yes I know, but I don't think any of the others are real either.
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