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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/01/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Is that advice addressed to Sir Creep, or to people reading Sir Creep’s posts?
  2. 3 points
    John Andretti's death sees three teams crash early in the race, but plenty of time remains for a trip to the pit stop... =1. An Fear Bag 0 =1. Annami 0 =1. Bibliogryphon 0 =1. CaptainChorizo 0 =1. Clorox Bleachman 0 =1. Death Impends 0 =1. drol 0 =1. gcreptile 0 =1. Grim Up North 0 =1. Joey Russ 0 =1. LizLemon 0 =1. Mercarte 0 =1. Newjack 0 =1. Pedro67 0 =1. Spade_Cooley 0 =1. The Dead Cow 0 =1. The Old Crem 0 =1. The Quim Reaper 0 =1. The Unknown Man 0 =1. Torva Messor 0 =1. YoungWillz 0 22. machotrouts 6 23. deadsox 7 24. Toast 8 25. Philip 9 =26. Book 10 =26. paddyfool 10 28. BuffaloPhil 12 29. Sir Creep 13 =30. Skinny kiltrunner 16 =30. theoldlady 16 32. Great Uncle Bulgaria 17 33. grobler 18 =34. Etushispushingupdaisies 21 =34. msc 21 36. Neobrakeon 31
  3. 2 points
    Aye, I'd agree with the above If only everything was as simple and harmlessly pleasurable as dead pooling!
  4. 2 points
    Headline surely will have to be "That's arap!"
  5. 2 points
    One of my pick ideas for March's claim to fame is being number 48 on the 2020 Deathlist
  6. 1 point
    For once Sean hasn't gotten here first:
  7. 1 point
    With brexit and corona her passing probably wouldn't get the attention Natalie Wood's had. Still, could be a wet side story.
  8. 1 point
    Stereophonics - Dakota
  9. 1 point
    A bold claim, but as we likely won't be around to see the year 2150, not a testable one. Also, have you noticed that life expectancy increases have slowed significantly or, in some cases, reversed in rich countries recently?
  10. 1 point
    Prophet and The Mad Hatter now at 3 hits each thanks to John Andretti, Vaagy still in the lead with 4, DL at 1.
  11. 1 point
    Queen Beatrix former monarch of the Netherlands turns 82 today.
  12. 1 point
    So a wee bit of action in the Fossorius Endeavour funeral home over at the DSCDP, with the deaths of Chris Doleman and John Andretti. There is a 4 way tie for first, and a 4 way tie for second right on their heels. At this early juncture, our pool is ranked number 3 ( out of 83 in the site ), so a pretty good appearance by us so far. I still think we can hit #1.
  13. 1 point
    Guess I'll post the video, ha, because it's a choon! Going to nip out for a ciggie and have a think, I've reconsidered my original follow-up! Back in a few...
  14. 1 point
    Can you believe WHO have said flights to and from china should continue? This is symptomless! Imagine two symptomless infected Chinese get a flight (temperature and health check out fine) from let's say Beijing to London and stop off and catch a connecting flight in Amsterdam. Think how many people they could spread this disease too and kill! Many Chinese and for that matter tourists going to china won't be able to get refunds because this type of stuff usually isn't covered in insurance, so instead of losing £500+ they've paid for flights add on accommodation etc they'll take the chance. UK needs to ban flights direct or indirect to and from China straight away. Italy and I believe Taiwan already have.
  15. 1 point
    Aye, that would appear to be the case So for the stattos, 40 teams entered, 36 on the scoreboard before we hit 21 deaths at which point we seem to have a winner and 19 teams into four figures - some Deathrace records broken there I think though - personally speaking - I'm nowhere near anal enough to be bothered about serious investigation thereof. That said, here's the scoreboard above 1000 points which I'll leave to fester for a few hours in case some barrel scraper pegged out yesterday and hits local paper headlines in the next day or so. Feel free to alert me if that happens, if not then around the time I log in religiously to check out Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone on Six Music (8-00 Sunday) I'll contact Rad Guy and seek guidance on a suitable prize Rad Guy - 2082 The Old Crem - 1768 Captain Chorizo - 1745 The Quim Reaper - 1707 Banana - 1449 Etushispushingupdaisies - 1430 GC Reptile - 1424 Prophet - 1421 MSC - 1412 Devon Death Trip - 1405 Clorox Bleachman - 1404 Drol - 1395 Maryportfuncity - 1392 Jiromenkimura - 1065 Toast - 1056 Death Impends - 1049 Joey Russ - 1046 Torva Messor - 1028 The Unknown Man - 1016
  16. 1 point
    https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/motor/2020/01/30/john-andretti-dies-age-5-x-colon-cancer-he-indycar-and-nascar-driver/3822509002/ John Andretti dead.
  17. 1 point
    Never mind all that (and how could you forget Charlie's Angels?) - He's the man who commissioned Scooby Doo!
  18. 1 point
    Oh, wow... I'd intended to - at least temporarily - quit the forum (lot of stuff going on in my personal life, deadpooling a big distraction) after my previous post 2 weeks ago. But then this morning something told me to log back on one last time and at first I thought "wow, my spidey senses wanted me to know that Deathray reacted assholishly to my tattoo? greeeat LOL" until I realized I was also a hair away from winning the Deathrace! Now, back from classes, check Twitter to see Andretti's died... fuck sake I really won it a second time in a row?
  19. 1 point
    I'm pretty sure if God were to do something to purge sin he would start with somewhere in USA like LA which is full of sinners, lol.
  20. 1 point
    Yep copying something that already exists, making it worse and then spreading it throughout the world - it's what China does best.
  21. 1 point
    It's about time the planet had a cull of the human population and it could not have started in a better place.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Must have been a shock to the selection committee
  24. 1 point
    I need to hear more from the Twitter account called "StrategicNews2" whose pinned tweet says "I am back. My account has been suspended for no reason" before I make up my mind on this one
  25. 1 point
    Look, you'd have been disappointed if this open goal had been missed...
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