Ernest Hemingway, American novelist, short-story writer and journalist shot himself in the head with a double-barreled shotgun on this date in 1961.
He was 61 years old.
Hemingway's grandfather, father, brother, sister and granddaughter all killed themselves.
Many of his literary works are considered classics of American literature.
Hemingway was renowned for novels like "The Sun Also Rises" (1926), "A Farewell to Arms" (1929), "To Have and Have Not" (1937), "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (1940) or "The Old Man and the Sea" (1952).
He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize in 1954.
Ernest Hemingway was buried in Idaho. You can find his final resting place in the Ketchum Cemetery.