Greta Anderson (1927), 100m freestyle - gave interview last Summer to the IOC as the "oldest living Danish Olympian"
Keshav Dutt (1925) - last survivor of Balbir Singhs hockey team - named as a survivor in Singhs obits last year
Arne Ahman (1925) - triple jump - got a happy birthday from the Olympics lot a few weeks ago so presumably alive!
Jackie Robinson (1927) - basketball team - appeared at the London Olympics, presumably the American media would cover a gold medalist since.
Charles Coste (1924) - cycling, pursuit - still alive according to the various cycling stats websites of varying official statuses
Mario Ghella (1929) - cycling sprint - same sources, but less firm evidence.
Marie Kovarova (1927) - team gymnastics - has an address on Star Tiger to send current mail to, apparently?
Gordy Giovanelli (1925) - coxed four - named oldest living Olympian rower in Vandernotte obits last year.
Giuseppe Moioli (1927) - coxless four - video of him training from 2019.
I did just add 1948 gold medalists to my long list, belatedely, a few days ago so with Cook gone, here's the ones that seemed to be alive - with my reasoning (which may be flawed on the cyclists).